Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar

Arthritis Research Campaign, Wincanton Branch

18 Oct 4:28pm
By Biddie Lawson
Arthritis Research Campaign, Wincanton Branch

ARC is the only major charity in the UK solely committed to curing arthritis. ARC fund research into the different causes and treatments of arthritis, in order to make the lives of sufferers as pain-free as possible.

Sir Terry Pratchett visits Wincanton Library

10 Oct 5:11pm
By Judith Sharp
Sir Terry Pratchett visits Wincanton Library

In Wincanton for the launching of his latest book in the Discworld series, Sir Terry visited our library.

Great Autumn Fashion Show at Preview

06 Oct 7:58pm
By Juliet Lake, Sarah-Jane Lewis
Great Autumn Fashion Show at Preview

We have had a very busy week at Preview! Our two fashion shows in the Town Hall on the 22nd of September were a huge success and due to the generosity of many local traders donating raffle prizes we have been able to raise £1,000 for our chosen charity, the National Osteoporosis Society.

An Interview with Christine Glen

04 Oct 4:02pm
By John Baxter
An Interview with Christine Glen

For the last six years Christine Glen has been Head Teacher of Wincanton Primary School, but at the end of the summer term she left to join her husband in Bahrain.

Royal Marines Chaplain to Speak in Cucklington

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Baxter
Royal Marines Chaplain to Speak in Cucklington

Not to be missed - a talk in the Cucklington Village Hall entitled 'Afghanistan - a Personal View', Friday 2nd October at 7pm

St Margaret's Somerset Hospice Opens New High Street Shop

01 Jan 1:00am
By Linda Ireland
St Margaret's Somerset Hospice Opens New High Street Shop

On Friday 4th September a crowd of visitors, well wishers and potential customers filled Wincanton High Street to see the Mayor of Wincanton, David Marsh, cut the ribbon to officially open the new St. Margaret's Furniture Shop.

Wincanton Quakers invite David Heath MP to speak

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Baxter
Wincanton Quakers invite David Heath MP to speak

David Heath MP to speak at an open meeting on 'Ethics In Politics'. Friday 16th October in Wincanton Meeting House (31 High St. Entrance by the Museum). All welcome.

Wincanton Rugby Club Update - September 2009

01 Jan 1:00am
By Mark Henley
Wincanton Rugby Club Update - September 2009

We have just enjoyed an excellent season, despite a slow start. We only missed out on promotion on the final day! As a result we start this season in the Dorset and Wiltshire League 3.

Welcome to Wincanton Window

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Baxter
Welcome to Wincanton Window

Welcome to the start up of Wincanton Window, WW for short. As a non-profit community web magazine we have a long way to go to get everyone on board and to see what a real community resource the WW can be.

New Acting Head at Wincanton Primary

01 Jan 1:00am
By Sarah Martin
New Acting Head at Wincanton Primary

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome back to school our children, parents, staff and governors after the summer break and to welcome our new families that have joined us this term.

Papertrees: Books, Stationary, Papers and Magazines

01 Jan 1:00am
By Adrian Ollerton
Papertrees: Books, Stationary, Papers and Magazines

Well who can believe it? We have now been open for three and a half years already!

Rebecca Amesbury, Founder of Purple Sparkle

01 Jan 1:00am
By Rebecca Amesbury
Rebecca Amesbury, Founder of Purple Sparkle

Rebecca is an inspiring example of how one person can set up a business by making something special and unique and offering it to her customers both in her beautifully laid out little shop and through her own website.(Editor)

Anna Cuff Opens Elegant Homes

01 Jan 1:00am
By Anna Cuff
Anna Cuff Opens Elegant Homes

A new shop in Wincanton Market Place opened this September offering an outstanding collection of items for the home.

Death and Grief

01 Jan 1:00am
By Andrew Ireland
Death and Grief

Have you ever lost someone close to you? Baptist minister reflects on death and grief...

Wincanton Baptists get New Minister

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Baxter
Wincanton Baptists get New Minister

The Rev Andrew Ireland, a man with an interesting background and wide experience arrives with his family in Wincanton to lead the Baptist Church.

Sue Place talks about the Balsam Centre

01 Jan 1:00am
By Sue Place
Sue Place talks about the Balsam Centre

The Balsam Centre is a flourishing resource for the community and we have recently celebrated our 10th birthday. In that time our facilities and activities have grown and are now used by hundreds of people each week.

Twinning Week in Lahnau 2nd - 9th August

01 Jan 1:00am
By Gill D'Arcy
Twinning Week in Lahnau 2nd - 9th August

Have you ever thought how much nicer and more interesting a holiday abroad could be if you had a chance to get to know local people and see how they live?

The New Emergency Eye-Care Scheme

01 Jan 1:00am
By Sarah Gibson
The New Emergency Eye-Care Scheme

If you have toothache you go to the Dentist, not the Doctor so why should your eyes be any different? Optometrists are the high street eye experts, so surely it makes more sense for people to come to an optometrist like me, if they have an eye problem, rather than visit their overworked GP.

Wincanton Wholefoods

01 Jan 1:00am
By Steve Stapleton
Wincanton Wholefoods

Owner Manager Steve Stapleton talks about Wincanton Wholefoods. Wincanton Wholefoods is your local health store located at the top end of the High Street (next door to Andrew Barclay the butcher).

Folic Acid, Spina Bifida, Pregnancy and You

01 Jan 1:00am
By Steve Stapleton
Folic Acid, Spina Bifida, Pregnancy and You

The incidence of babies being born with spina bifida is on the increase - in Scotland it has just been announced that this year has seen the numbers double and it is thought that this will be the same for the whole of the UK, where incidents of spina bifida are, already, the highest in the world!

Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance

01 Jan 1:00am
By Annette Plaistow-Trapaud
Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance

Averaging 2-3 missions daily, the air ambulance provides the speediest help and transport to those in emergency need who are a long way from hospital help.

Wincanton Gardeners Visit Highgrove

01 Jan 1:00am
By June Spencer
Wincanton Gardeners Visit Highgrove

Recently members of the Wincanton Gardeners Club filled a coach for a visit to the Price of Wales' Garden at Highgrove. June Spencer describes her day.

Who and What are the Wincanton Quakers?

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Baxter
Who and What are the Wincanton Quakers?

A year ago I visited the Wincanton Quaker Meeting House for the first time as they had advertised an "Outreach Week". Since then I have attended fairly regularly. What follows describes what I found. This article was first written for the Journal.

Join the Friends of Verrington Hospital

01 Jan 1:00am
By Alan Judge
Join the Friends of Verrington Hospital

The Friends of Verrington are a group of volunteers that foster and maintain the interest of the public for your local Hospital.

Artist in Icing - Helen Chesterman of Bayford

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Baxter
Artist in Icing - Helen Chesterman of Bayford

Helen Chesterman of Bayford runs her own solo business making very special cakes for special occasions.

Patients Group Discuss Dementia with Doctors

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Bradley
Patients Group Discuss Dementia with Doctors

Wincanton GP Iain Phillips and Dementia Consultant Chris Sherratt lead a well attended evening exploring Dementia for more than 60 in the Memorial Hall.

Holbrook House Halloween Dinner 31st October

01 Jan 1:00am
By Darren McGinley
Holbrook House Halloween Dinner 31st October

"Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog". In honour of the many 'ghosts' associated with Holbrook House over the years, Head Chef Callum Keir and his team are creating a five course seasonal menu with a 'Halloween Flavour.'

PACT (Partners and Communities Together) Walkabout, 23rd October

01 Jan 1:00am
By John Baxter
PACT (Partners and Communities Together) Walkabout, 23rd October

A 'walkabout' intended to provide an opportunity for the public, the police, and council members and staff - town, district and county - to look at issues on the ground which may have been raised by any of them before final decisions which could affect our lives are made.

Kimbers' Farm and Shop

01 Jan 1:00am
By Ruth Kimber
Kimbers' Farm and Shop

The Kimber family have farmed in Charlton Musgrove for over 300 years, the land of the Blackmore Vale is fine grass growing type and produces fantastic meat and milk, and indeed award winning cheeses are made from milk produced in the vale.

Ethics in Politics: Report on David Heath's speech to the Quakers

01 Jan 1:00am
By Stephen Tate
Ethics in Politics: Report on David Heath's speech to the Quakers

"I understand why people are losing faith in politics but we must be careful what we wish for. We are sleepwalking into something profoundly dangerous..."

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