It's on! Christmas Extravaganza, Friday 7th December 2012
We are now getting ready for the 2012 Christmas Extravaganza. Our 2011 event set new highs. Year on year the event was growing, but we didn't really know how well. So, last year we armed our stewards with clickers to count the crowd. We were staggered to see over 3,500 on the streets. But that brings us a huge challenge for 2012.
Since we started this event we have never had bad weather. A couple of years ago we nearly had rain at 8.00pm as the event was closing. Let's hope and pray that the Big Man upstairs continues to smile on us.
Between now and 7th December we will try to update you via The Window with successive articles so that you know what to expect.
Market StallsTo start the ball rolling we can announce that 'The Anonymous Travelling Market' will be with us again. 2011 was their first appearance, and they asked to come back. That alone was a great endorsement of our event. We are still open to applications for other stalls too, so if you have a business and would like to take advantage of our event please contact us for an application form.
Turning On the Lights
Last year, for the first time we teamed up with Wincanton Town Council to have the official Christmas Tree Lights switched on as part of our official opening ceremony. This ceremony was amazing with students from King Arthur's leading the music and carol singing round the tree. In past events this wasn't really a very well supported part of the programme.
Last year with this new dynamic Market Place was packed to overflowing, literally onto Church Street which was still flowing with traffic. So for this year we have also applied for a one hour closure of Mill Street, so that our intrepid musicians and carol singers can spill safely out into Mill Street. Whatever happens make sure that you get to Market Place for the official opening. It will be awesome. More details in a later article.
Event Finance
Events like this don't come cheap, and since the first one our traders have coughed up and supported us. They are an amazing bunch. We also had financial support from both Town and District Councils. They too have been amazing in their support. However, you don't need me to tell you that both Councils are under severe financial pressures and we feel that it is our duty and goal to make this event, not only bigger and better, but to also bring it to a place where it is financially sound well into the future.
So for 2012 we have another first. We have successfully applied for a licence to hold an event raffle. All being well we will have books of Extravaganza raffle tickets in as many shops in town as possible, hopefully from 1st November.
We will have great prizes for you to help you on the run up to Christmas. Again we will expand on this in subsequent articles.
To bring this article to a close we want to appeal for your help in making this event the biggest and best yet. What can you do? That's easy. We need you to start talking about the 2012 Extravaganza. We need you to tell your friends and neighbours. Help us to show the world around us that Wincanton is a place where things happen in a big and amazing way this Christmas. Why not make sure that you invite family and friends from far off places to spend the weekend with you and join in with the fun? There will be plenty for all.
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Reply #1 on : Wed December 05, 2012, 10:37:43
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