Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
King Arthur's Hosts a Memorable Music Day for Primary Schools

An enjoyable and challenging day out for primary pupils organised by the Music Department at King Arthur's. The school's catering students provided a memorable tea and the day ended with a rousing concert for the parents.
King Arthur's Celebrates the Class of 2010

It was a full house in the hall of King Arthur's Community School on Thursday 25th November when parents, staff and students gathered for the school's Awards Evening.
King Arthur's Sport College Organises Inter-School Competition

A large number of the local feeder primary schools spent an enthusiastic time at King Arthur's taking part in an inter-school indoor sports and athletics competition.
When in Rome...

23 students and 4 adults from King Arthur's Community School toured Rome on foot, by bike and by coach last summer enjoying art, language and ancient history.
Joint Music Trip to Germany a Great Success

Forty students from King Arthur’s and twenty from Sexey's spent half-term on an action packed trip to Germany. There they sang, played their instruments, performed at concerts, cruised down the Rhine, visited our German twin town Lahnau and had a wonderful time exploring another country and making new friends.
Excalibur Newsletter - October 2010
The October 2010 edition of the King Arthur's School monthly newsletter, Excalibur, is now available on their web site.
Excalibur Newsletter - September 2010
The September 2010 edition of the King Arthur's School monthly newsletter, Excalibur, is now available on their web site.
Open Day at King Arthur's School

Parents and children from the surrounding primary schools visit King Arthur's before deciding which secondary school to apply for. The Window goes along to see what is on offer.
Leadership Changes Coming at King Arthur's

Head Teacher Tamra Bradbury is leaving King Arthur's at Christmas time and her successor as Acting Head will be Emma Wilkes, currently Deputy Head. The Window interviews both of them.
KA Class of 2008 - Where Are They Now?

The class of 2008 was, at the time, the most successful year group ever to leave King Arthur's. It's been two years since they left and this article provides an update on what some of them have been up to, what they have achieved and what they are planning for the future.
James Phillips - Off to Oxford

Former KA and Bishop Wordsworth student James Phillips is interviewed about his school experiences before he leaves to take up a place at Exeter College Oxford.
Friends of King Arthur's Car Boot Sale

After the success of our first Car Boot Sale in May the Friends of King Arthur's are holding another on the 25th September - so empty your cupboards and garage and make some money!
King Arthur's GCSE Results Show High Standards Continue

Another good set of GCSE examination results was celebrated this year. Nearly 62% of students achieved five or more A* - C grades.
Thriving Music Department Puts On Another Musical Extravaganza

On the balmy evening of Thursday 8th July students, staff and parents alike were treated to a riveting programme of music at King Arthur's Community School, Wincanton.
Former KA Student Graduates First Class at Bristol University

Becky Fellows, former King Arthur's student, has gone on to graduate with First Class Honours in Biology from Bristol University. She has now been selected for the prestigious fast track teaching scheme, Teach First.
King Arthur's Summer Fete

KA's Annual Summer Fete. An event not to be missed - Friday 2nd July at the school from 6-8pm. All the usual attractions plus lots of World Cup fun! A great way to spend a summer evening.
Health Awareness Day at King Arthur's Community School

Exhibitors representing the local health and fitness industry gave visitors a varied insight into their work at a recent Health Awareness Day at King Arthur's Community School
Primary School Pupils in Language Days at King Arthur's

How Yr 5 pupils from Wincanton area primary schools and Year 8 students from King Arthur’s spent two days working and playing together, exploring and developing their French and their understanding of French culture.
Car Boot Sale at King Arthur's School

Organised by the Friends of King Arthur's School, a Car Boot Sale on Saturday 1st of May from 10am - 1pm. Open to sellers from 9am - £5 per pitch. Free entry for buyers. Bacon Rolls & Refreshments available. All proceeds to the school.
Head Teacher Ms Tamra Bradbury Introduces King Arthur's Community School

King Arthur's Community School is a friendly, hardworking and busy school. We believe in and strive for inclusion and opportunities for all, good working relationships and high standards of achievement.
Showing 61 - 80 of 84 Articles