Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
King Arthur’s School Magazine “Excalibur” – Summer 2014

What has been going on at King Arthur’s this term? Take a look at our colour school magazine, "Excaliber", and see the great activities taking place!
David Kiddell – a Great Loss for King Arthur’s School

On Tuesday 17th June, David Kiddell, Head of Design Technology at King Arthur’s School since 1997, died suddenly in the early hours of the morning. Staff and students grieved as they dealt with the loss of a very caring, hardworking teacher.
King Arthur's 'Excalibur' Magazine – Spring 2014

Take a look at the latest edition of our school magazine ‘Excalibur’, full of news and pictures of events that have taken place in the Spring term at King Arthur’s Community School.
Friends of King Arthur's School Quiz – 3rd April

The Friends of King Arthur's School (FOKAS) annual Quiz takes place on Thursday 3rd April. This event has always proved to be a popular event, so get in touch to register your team and join us for a great evening.
King Arthur's Students Plan Once-in-a-Lifetime Expedition to Tanzania

Seven students from King Arthur's Community School, Wincanton are excitedly preparing for a four-week trip to Tanzania in the Summer of 2015. A musical concert on Thursday, 13th March will help them raise the funds for this one-in-a-lifetime trip.
King Arthur's Community School – Venue for hire

King Arthur's Community School has great facilities on offer – from a children's birthday party to a social event, training course to team-building sessions, the school has a space to suit out of school hours.
King Arthur’s Students Inspired by Ex-Pupil Prof. Sir Robert Burgess

King Arthur's School recently celebrated the success of its Key Stage 4 students during its annual award ceremony. This year the guest presenter was Vice Chancellor of Leicester University Sir Robert Burgess, who attended King Arthur's School from 1958.
Wincanton Mayor Takes the Traversing Wall Challenge

An inter-house competition on the traversing wall marked the official opening of the new play equipment at King Arthur's Community School on Wednesday 25th September. Wincanton's Mayor, Deryck Lemon and headmaster Chris Beech tested their skills.
A New Era at King Arthur's

King Arthur's School has undergone significant change as the new school year starts. You may have seen the students approaching school in their new uniform of blazer and tie, only one of the many positive changes at the school.
Car Boot Sale for King Arthur's Students' Kenya Expedition

As some of you may be aware there is a small group of final year King Arthur's students travelling to Kenya after their exams for a month. We have been desperately trying to raise money, each student having to raise £4000 in total.
Can CCTV Images Identify King Arthur's Thief?

Staff and students at King Arthur's School, Wincanton, are reeling from a spate of thefts that have taken place after school hours, but CCTV images taken during the break-ins may help to identify the thief. Do you recognise this man?
An Interview with Chris Beech, Head Teacher at King Arthur's

Half way through his first year as Head Teacher at King Arthur's, Wincanton's secondary school, Chris Beech is interviewed for the Window.
Annie Comes to Town!

For two nights only the musical 'Annie' will be performed at King Arthur's school by students aged 9-15. Children from some of the local primary schools and King Arthur's will be in the cast.
Lots to See and Do at King Arthur's Open Evening

We invite everyone from the area to come and look around our school, meet the staff and current students at King Arthur's Open Evening on Thursday 27th September. Chris Beech, the school's new Headteacher, will give a presentation at 7.30pm.
Best GCSE Results Ever for King Arthur's Students!

As King Arthur's embarks on a new academic year the school can look forward with continuing confidence, as this summer it recorded its best ever examination results.
King Arthur's Summer Fete and Fun Dog Show

By popular demand, King Arthur's will be incorporating a Fun Dog Show into its annual Summer Fete on Friday 29th June, from 6.00 - 8.00pm. All the usual favourites, too! Come along - free entry!
King Arthur's School Mentor Relays Olympic Torch

King Arthur's nomination of Mr Steve Lafferty from Wincanton was approved by the Olympic committee and he ran his short stretch early on the 22nd May in Taunton. Afterwards, students queued for photos with Steve and the Olympic Torch.
Friends of King Arthur's Quiz Night 2012

It's time to call King Arthur's and enter your team (funny and cryptic team names are most welcome!) for their annual quiz night on Thursday 29th March.
A New Headteacher Appointed for King Arthur's

The Governors of King Arthur's Community School, Wincanton, are pleased to announce the appointment of the new Headteacher for September 2012.
Senior Citizens Enjoy Party Organised by King Arthur's Students

Every year the Year 11 students at King Arthur's throw a party for the Senior Citizen's of the Wincanton community as part of their Citizenship studies. This year, on December 15th, the eighty guests all had a lovely time.
Showing 21 - 40 of 84 Articles