Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Wincanton Primary School Easter bonnet parade 2022

On the mornings of 27th and 28th of April 2022, children performed for their parents as part of the Easter celebrations at Wincanton Primary School. It was wonderful to welcome parents and carers back onto our school site at last.
Wincanton Primary School is looking for a 1:1 Learning Support Assistant

Our OFSTED rated ‘Good’ School is looking for a skilled full-time Learning Support Assistant to work with a child in Year 3 to help with concentration, attention and completion of tasks. Application deadline 12 noon on Monday 10th May.
Wincanton Primary School update - November 2020

At Wincanton Primary School, we are continuing with our ‘new normal’. During this last half-term, it has been a pleasure to welcome back all the children and to see how excited they have been to see their friends again.
Wincanton Primary School update - July 2020

An update from Wincanton Primary School about what has been going on over the summer term, as well as how the staff have been preparing new units of work for next term, and to welcome Holiday Club children to provide care for working families.
Wincanton Primary School lockdown update June 2020

At Wincanton Primary School we have been working hard since lockdown began to support all our children and their families. Here's an overview of what has been going on at the School, and how the staff and pupils have been getting on.
Ofsted: Wincanton Primary is a GOOD school!

Wincanton Primary School is celebrating following their recent Ofsted inspection that found it to be one of a few that have managed to secure the new “GOOD” standard under a new framework that came into force at the beginning of this academic year.
Wincanton Primary School pupils visit the Town Hall

Wincanton Primary School pupils visited the Town Hall on the 26th February, to hear about the role their Town Council plays for residents and, most importantly, for the children of our town. They even made a few suggestions of their own!
Wincanton Primary School thanks the community for a huge volunteer DIY effort

A team of 34 volunteers, including parents, staff and members of the community, decorated six classrooms and built a large decked stage area at Wincanton Primary School, which has been overwhelmed by the generous community support.
Wincanton Primary School Pupils Give Short Mat Bowls a Go!

At Wincanton Sports Ground we aim to provide a variety of sports for a variety of people. Most recently we invited pupils from Wincanton Primary School to come down and have an opportunity to try Short Mat Bowls.
80s Disco Night in Aid of Wincanton Primary School Playground Fund

Wincanton Primary School's PAFOTS Committee is holding an 80s Disco in aid of the School Playground Fund on Saturday 29th March. Everyone is welcome, so please buy your ticket soon and support your local school!
Wincanton Primary Among Top 100 Most Improved Schools in England

Graeme Wilson, head teacher at Wincanton Primary School, talks about their latest Ofsted report, the success of the school's teaching methods and news that the school has been recognised as one of the top 100 most improved primary schools in England.
Wincanton Primary School Steps Out for the Hospice

A sponsored walk organised by staff at the Wincanton Primary School and completed by their 270 pupils has raised over £2,000 for St Margaret's Hospice.
Green Growth at Wincanton Primary School

Pupils were pleased and excited on receiving plants and flowers from Otter Nurseries to help them get their learning garden going.
The "Queen" Arrives at Wincanton Primary School

A huge crowd of well-wishers, subjects of her sovereign Majesty and wearing a wonderful collection of hats and crowns, gathered for a celebratory lunch at Wincanton Primary School on Thursday 31st May.
Wincanton Primary School Unveils New Website

December saw the launch of the school's new website, intended to keep parents and the local community up to date with all that goes on at the school.
Pupils Learn From Crime Scene
Children at Wincanton Primary had a close-up view of police work when the school grounds were turned into a crime scene as part of a citizenship project last week. Year 5 and 6 children started their school day as normal on Wednesday but had no idea the dummy crime scene had been set up by teachers and police officers.
Did You Attend Wincanton Primary School?

Deputy-Head Sarah Martin is appealing for old boys and girls of the school to share their stories, photos or artifacts with today's children.
Join the Great Wincanton Primary Painting Party

Don't miss this chance to make a real difference to Wincanton Primary School by helping Head Teacher Graeme Wilson and Deputy Sarah Martin by joining the Painting Party on Saturday 17th July.
Meet Graeme Wilson, Wincanton Primary's New Head Teacher

Wincanton Primary has an energetic new Headteacher. Graeme Wilson has now been in post for two terms. In this profile we explore his background and plans for the school.
A Great Fete at Wincanton Primary School

The Summer Fete at Wincanton Primary School this year on the 18th of June was a well attended fun affair with parents and pupils all having a good time with stalls, fancy food and exciting performances.
Showing 1 - 20 of 25 Articles