Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Our Lady's Summer Fayre will be on June 22nd

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Primary School PTFA has organised dancing, face painting, equicising, BBQing, cake eating, ice creaming, raffling and more, to raise funds for the school.
Templecombe Medieval Pageant taketh place this weekend

The 2018 Templecombe Medieval Pageant takes place this coming weekend, over the 2nd and 3rd of June. Experience a medieval battle re-enactment, jousting, a medieval market and archery!
Horsington Village Fete will have a carnival theme this year

Horsington Village Fete will be held on Horsington Church School grounds this year, on 9th June, 12 noon til 3pm. Expect an afternoon filled with fun for all the family, with a carnival theme!
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - June 2018

A train crash on the old railway going passed Horsington, a review on the latest Milborne Port Opera play and an article on the Perspex figures marking the 100 years of the end of World War I.
Sandbag – Wincanton RBL newsletter for April & May 2018

The Royal British Legion Wincanton Branch monthly magazine. This issue includes The Great Pilgrimage, Passchenaele Tree, coffee morning dates and Reg Kiddle RM remembered.
Police appeal for witnesses to an assault outside Cary Kebabs

Avon and Somerset Constabulary is appealing for witnesses after a woman was assaulted in Castle Cary. The 37-year-old victim was attacked by a man outside Cary Kababs on Fore Street on Sunday 8th April.
The 24 Hour Board Game Marathon is coming to Wincanton!

Do you love board games? Are you an analogue gamer who prefers cardboard and tokens to controllers, or do you just like a causal game of Monopoly or Cluedo with friends and family? Come and join The 24 Hour Board Game Marathon!
It's Our Lady's annual Duck Race tomorrow!

An afternoon of fun for all the family, to raise funds for the school. There'll be a BBQ, a large bouncy castle, dancing and even a licensed bar! Read on for more details, and a video of the 2014 event as a taster.
The first Cheese & Cider Market in Castle Cary

Celebrate Somerset Day, on Saturday 12th May, with some of the finest produce from this area, at the first Castle Cary Cheese and Cider Market at the Market House in Castle Cary, from 4 to 9pm.
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - May 2018

Jane Wilson delights us with her tale of 11 days spent on a cruise ship in Asia, it's soon carnival time at Horsington Church School and The Villager's team bids farewell to Les Graney, chairman of the magazine for many years.
Wincanton Community Hospital is recruiting trained nurses

Wincanton Community Hospital is holding a recruitment event on the 15th May 2018 for trained nurses. This is a fantastic opportunity for newly qualified or experienced nurses to come and see what we can offer.
Thugs raided a Wincanton charity shop early Sunday morning

At 5:30am on the morning of Sunday 15th April, three men wearing balaclavas and wielding large tools raided the top St Margaret's Hospice charity shop on Wincanton High Street.
Open public meeting in Wincanton on changes to the NHS

Come along to this open public meeting on Monday 16th April to hear about what's planned for the NHS in Somerset. Hear from NHS professionals and campaigners, with ample time for questions and answers.
The Wincanton Wedding Show

On Sunday 15th April, Wincanton Memorial Hall will be full of talented wedding business owners, from bridal dresses and accessories to jaw dropping retro pizza trailers! Who knew Wincanton had so much to give?
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - April 2018

John Roake tells us the story of the old railway line in Horsington, children in year 5 and 6 at Horsington Church School convert a Thomas Hardy poem to prose and Colin Gray shows us his talent as a watercolour painter.
New adult swimming lessons at Wincanton Sports Centre

Wincanton Sports Centre is now offering adult swimming lessons. There are three sessions designed to take non-swimmers through the stages of "Dip Your Toe", "Learn More" and "Swim Faster. The first session will be free as a trial.
Pharmacy opening times in the Wincanton area over Easter 2018

Access to pharmacies is limited over Easter weekend. If you need to get prescriptions filled to see you through the Easter period, visit your local pharmacy now. On Sunday, your closest options are in Yeovil.
Refuse and recycling collections in Wincanton over Easter 2018

With the Easter holiday upon us, here's some information about refuse and recycling collections in the Wincanton area over the next week. Don't get caught out by all bank holidays changes!
Lewis Barfoot will won't be performing in Buckhorn Weston this April CANCELLED

The Lewis Barfoot Trio will won't be performing in Buckhorn Weston next month. She performed at Glastonbury in 2011, and once played opposite Kevin Spacey at The Old Vic! Half-English, half-Irish, Lewis is a Nu-folk singer.
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - March 2018

Richard Gaunt of Milborne Port Opera tells of his history as a coarse actor, and Chris Bailward presents the third and final part of his cycle journey from Sicily to Somerset.
Showing 381 - 400 of 2282 Articles