Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Poppies galore at St Peter and St Paul’s

Over the last few weeks, ladies from the congregation of the Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul in Wincanton have been busily knitting hundreds of poppies! Why? You may ask. Pop into the Church from Remembrance Sunday to find out.
Wincanton's trees took a battering in the recent high winds

The recent windy weather has brought down two notably large trees in Wincanton. One fell at Wincanton Community Hospital, blocking the car park entrance, and another in the cemetery grounds of Wincanton Parish Church.
Christmas services at St Peter & St Paul's Church 2018

Here are the services happening in St Peter & St Paul’s this Christmas time. Everyone is welcome to join in any or all of the services. Please note the time changes in some cases.
[TALK:] Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) with Wincanton Quakers
![[TALK:] Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) with Wincanton Quakers](assets/images/blog/2018/11/2805/2805_1_Quaker-Meeting-House-entrance_thb.jpg)
Wincanton Quakers will be hosting a talk on the work of Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders). They work in the trouble spots of the world providing medical relief to those suffering from the effects of disasters around the world.
Remembered in Horsington

Children from Horsington Church Primary School processed 14 silhouettes, representing the 14 Horsington and South Cheriton soldiers lost to WW1, from Horsington War Memorial to St John’s Church on Friday 9th November.
Armistice Day with Wincanton Quakers

Quakers will celebrate the end of the world-wide war in 1918, and the hope for Peace that the Armistice brought. Anyone who would like to join us in gratitude and remembrance of all who fell in that terrible conflict is most welcome.
WW1 fallen ‘brought back to the places they left behind’

On Friday 9th November, St John’s Church will hold a memorial service for our fallen heroes of WW1, during which a contingent of soldiers and veterans will march 14 life-size silhouettes from the war memorial to the Church.
100 prayerful volunteers sought

Volunteers are being called on to join the churches’ 100 Days of Prayer, as their contribution to the national – and international – wave of prayer leading up to Remembrance Day.
Help Wincanton Parish Church find a new rector

Wincanton Parish Church is seeking a new rector, and would value community feedback on what they want of their church and its rector. You are invited to complete a short survey to help them find the right person.
Beautiful stained glass window damaged in Parish Church burglary

The Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul in Wincanton was burgled some time during the night of Friday 16th and the morning of Saturday 17th June 2017. The forced entry caused damage to two of the stained glass windows.
Children’s Easter garden and craft workshop

St Peter and St Paul's Church in Wincanton is holding an Easter garden and craft workshop in the church on Good Friday afternoon from 2:00pm - 4:00pm, for children accompanied by parents or carers.
Christmas 2016 church services in Wincanton

The churches of Wincanton are all in the midst of their Christmas programmes, culminating with their respective Christmas Day services on Sunday 25th December. Here's a list of all the services still to happen between now and then. All the churches extend a warm invitation to join them to celebrate Christmas.
Hiraeth - A Song for All Seasons

Hiraeth is a group of friends who share a passion for harmony, good music, and fun. On Friday 28th October the group will be performing an eclectic mix of music including folk, swing and pop, at Wincanton Baptist Church.
Join the World's Biggest Coffee Morning Event at Wincanton Baptist Church

Wincanton Baptist Church will be holding a Macmillan Cancer Care coffee morning on Thursday 22nd September. The event runs between 10:30am and 12:00 noon, when visitors can relax over a nice cuppa, suitably balanced by a yummy home-made cake, or two.
Heritage Open Day Saturday 10th September in Parish Church

It's part of a nationwide event to promote heritage sites and buildings. Wincanton has many interesting stories and historical events to choose from. This year we are linking our first Open Day to the new town Heritage Trail, launched late December, 2015.
Coffee Morning with a Royal Difference

Wincanton Baptist Church is holding its next monthly coffee morning on Thursday 21st April in the Church hall, Mill Street. As the dates coincide, this event will also be the Church’s celebration of Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday.
Would You Enjoy Singing With the Parish Church Choir?

The Parish Church in Wincanton would like to increase its choir membership. If you enjoy singing and would like to join us, why not get in touch? Practice evenings are on Thursdays at 7.30pm in the Church.
Nativity Scenes Festival Attracts a Good Turnout

Twenty five nativity sets brought by schools, individuals and churches made an engaging display in the Parish Church earlier this month.
Light Up A Life - A Service to Remember Our Loved Ones

St. Margaret's Hospice will be holding a Light Up a Life service in the Parish Church, Wincanton on Saturday 12th December. This is an opportunity to reflect together, remembering family and friends who have illuminated our lives.
Festival of Nativity Scenes at Wincanton Parish Church

Wincanton Parish Church are holding a Festival of Nativity Scenes in the Church from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th December, created by local groups, organisations and individuals. Come and admire the displays.
Showing 1 - 20 of 103 Articles