Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
u3a talk: the Russell-Cotes Art Gallery & Museum

Come with us as Historian and Arts Society lecturer Dr James Taylor leads us through one of the last Victorian houses to be built in England; a dream house on a cliff-top, overlooking the sea in Bournemouth; a home, an art gallery, and a museum sealed in time.
Forty u3a members were treated to a free Jubilee indoor street lunch party

On 3rd May in advance of the June celebrations Queen’s Platinum Jubilee indoor street lunch party was held for forty members of u3a, free of charge, fulfilled by happy volunteers and making a great start to the forthcoming celebrations.
One Planet Wincanton visit to Brains Farm

On the cold and windy afternoon of Friday 5th November 2021, five of us suitably booted and clad met Paul Phillips at the gate of Brains Farm which is just off Moor Lane. We were there for a tour some of us found a revelation.
u3a Blackmore Vale open afternoon in Henstridge

The u3a aims to give people who are no longer in full-time work, or raising a family, opportunities to develop interests, make new friends and enjoy themselves. Check out their open afternoon at Henstridge Village Hall on 7th September.
Wincanton Gardeners volunteers have been out planting the Town's flower beds

Wincanton and District Gardeners Association has been planting flowerbeds and containers around the Town twice a year to make it look more attractive. This year once again a small band of happy gardeners planted the summer flowering plants in our town.
Christmas greetings to Wincanton from the Lahnau twinners

The members of the Lahnau-Wincanton Twinning Association wish all friends in Wincanton a merry Christmas and a happy new year - a better year than 2020. Please stay healthy! We would like to meet you all again.
Wincanton Flower Show 2020 is cancelled

Under the present conditions, the Wincanton and District Gardeners Association has made the decision to cancel this year's Flower Show, and encourage participants to return to support the show in 2021.
A Brexit message from our twinning friends in Lahnau, Germany

Wincanton is twinned with the German town of Lahnau, and the Twinning Association has been organising exchange visits for many years. Our German friends have sent us a message regarding Brexit, and our Association has responded.
Establishing a climate change action group in Wincanton

We are a few like-minded people who have met a couple of times at The Balsam Centre to discuss what can be done, ideas for everyone to use and how to encourage people to get on-board. Join us for a chat this Monday, 15th July.
Roller skating at Wincanton Memorial Hall

Join us on every other Thursday evening, all ages and abilities are welcome. Meet new people, play games, get fit, and listen to good music. Parents can join in or relax with free tea or coffee and enjoy the excellent Wi-Fi!
It's Wincanton Flower Show tomorrow!

Local, and some not-so-local gardeners and crafts people will exhibit their works, competing for prizes and trophies. It’s a show for all the family, with lots to see and do, but it's not just for gardeners. Categories include homecraft and handicraft, too.
Lahnau-Wincanton exchange week of May 2018

A report of the Lahnau-Wincanton twinning exchange week that took pace in May 2018, including an account of the epic journey made by three German cyclists who set off nine days before the other members.
It's not too late to enter the Wincanton Gardeners' annual show

Wincanton & District Gardener’s Association is holding its 62nd annual show on Saturday 2nd September in the Wincanton Memorial Hall. It's not too late to get involved! The deadline for new entries is 9pm Saturday 26th August.
Wincanton Gardeners' Assoc. receives Community Award for 2016

The Wincanton & District Gardeners' Association (WDGA) has been awarded the Wincanton Town Council Annual Community Award for 2016 in recognition of its exceptional service to the community.
Wincanton Flower Show 2016

Wincanton & District Gardeners Association held its 61st Annual Flower Show on Saturday 3rd September in the Memorial Hall. There was a high standard of entries and keen competition across all classes, including flowers and vegetabes as well as home and handicrafts.
25 Years of the Wincanton / Lahnau Twinning Association

This year's exchange visit was significant, celebrating 25 years of the formal twinning between the two towns, which took place in 1991.
WDGA Flower Show 2016 is on 3rd September

The Wincanton & District Gardeners Association Annual Flower Show will take place on Saturday 3rd September in the Memorial Hall, and will include entries widely varing from flowers, veg and fruit, to crafts, baking and even handwriting.
Mill Street Social Club Open to New Members

Mill Street Social Club in Wincanton offers a wide variety of facilities and entertainments. Why not come along and enjoy a drink, company and entertainment in a relaxed, convivial atmosphere?
Hounds on the Hill Charity Walk

Hounds on the Hill is a 5km charity walk taking place at Ham Hill Country Park on Sunday 22nd May. Brue Valley Rotary Club will be raising funds for Canine Partners. A Fun day for all the family, dogs welcome too.
What is the U3A? There’s a Group Near You!

U3A stands for University of the Third Age; this is a self-help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. Your local U3A is known as the Camelot Group.
Showing 1 - 20 of 60 Articles