Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Things are changing at Wincanton Window

We want to let everyone know about a few changes coming to Wincanton Window. Don’t worry, they’re all based around some internal restructuring so you shouldn’t notice a thing – we’ll still be bringing you the same in-depth local news, publishing your articles, views and opinion pieces. So here’s what’s going on…
Somerset Life Discovers the Charms of Wincanton

April’s edition of Somerset Life put Wincanton firmly on the map, speaking enthusiastically about its attractions and warm-hearted residents. Happily for us, the glossy magazine also devoted a whole column to Wincanton Window!
Happy Christmas!

Despite appearances in our festive Christmas message, we really do wish all our readers and authors a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Join us again in 2014 for more local news, views and some new website features...
Wincanton Window Writers Group

Have you ever thought you could write? Are you interested in people and what goes on locally, or passionately interested in promoting something? You might like to come and join our new group, the Wincanton Window Writers Group.
What's YOUR Story?

It's not always obvious when you visit Wincanton Window, but all the articles here are written by YOU! With over 6,000 visitors last month, you're a part of something big. Here's how you can make it even bigger.
'Wincanton Winter' Competition Winners and Photo Gallery

A look at the winning entries in our fun Wincanton Winter Competition, plus a chance to see all the entries, judged by Wincanton photographers Graham and Trixie Hiscock and John Baxter.
'Wincanton Winter' Christmas Competition

Dust off your cameras and get busy for the chance to win a prize in our annual Christmas competition. Not one but four prizes for adults and two prizes for our younger happy snappers!
Twitter Hacking Warning

Last night our Twitter account was hacked by unscrupulous scoundrels who have sent direct messages to all who follow us on Twitter - do not attempt to reply to these messages, click on any links or give your Twitter login details.
Introducing Your New Editor - And Thanking The Old

After two years as Editor, John Baxter has stepped down to concentrate on writing and helping other people to contribute to Wincanton Window. I'd like to introduce myself, your new Editor, and thank John for all his hard work.
Do We Deserve a Community Award? Please Cast Your Vote!

Wincanton Window has applied for a grant from NatWest CommunityForce. Our success depends entirely on votes from the public. On behalf of everyone at the Window, I’m appealing for you to take just a few minutes to vote for us.
It's Competition Time! Win Lovely Stationery Goodies (Now Ended)

We've teamed up with local company Boxhouse Publishing, who are offering a great Organised Mum's Life Book and a Weekly Planner as prizes in our fun competition. Find out how to enter.
Write for the Window - A Three Session Writers' Workshop in Wincanton

Try your hand at a little local journalism with John Baxter's three-session Writer's Workshop at the Balsam Centre in October. It's great fun for anyone who would like to have a go at writing for Wincanton Window, and it's free!
The Window's Getting Social!

With the introduction of some new social features to Wincanton Window, you can now share interesting articles with all your friends via your Twitter, Facebook or Google+ accounts.
Charity Status for the Wincanton Window Adopted

On 8th February our Organising Committee met to adopt our constitution as a charity and appointed five trustees.
Facebook Fans Rave over Local Retailers

Wincanton Window's Facebook Page is not just a great place to find out our latest news, you can exchange messages with other fans and swap tips on the best shops and businesses in town.
WW Organising Committee Plans for 2011

On 11-1-11, surely an auspicious day to meet, The Wincanton Window Organising Committee gets together to discuss the way ahead.
Win Festive Goodies in our Christmas Caption Competition!

With Christmas just around the corner, it’s time for a little fun, so what better way to start the Christmas festivities than entering our fun photo caption competition. You could even win some champagne and chocolates!
A Look at Our First Year

Editor John Baxter looks back on our first year and explains our policies and the opportunities it offers the local community, organisations and businesses.
We Need Your Vote! Oops, no we don't...

We're thrilled that Wincanton Window has been shortlisted for a Natwest Community Grant. But we need your vote! Please support us by popping into Natwest before 28th November and completing a simple voting slip. Seems a mistake was made and we're no longer in the running!
If Gill Can Do It...

Gill D'Arcy tells how she lost her fear of using the Wincanton Window and became a self-confident contributor.
Showing 1 - 20 of 25 Articles