The Comprehensive Spending Review - David Heath MP Reflects
[Copy from David Heath MP for Western Gazette on Thursday 28th October 2010]
Nobody could pretend the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) makes other than grim reading. Having fought for public services for over twenty-five years, I am the last person to want to see massive cut-backs. But nor can I ignore the position the country is in, where we are spending £4 for every £3 taken in taxation. That can't go on, and the longer we put off dealing with the deficit the worse it will be. The country has genuinely been on the verge of bankruptcy.
The amount of work and effort that has gone into the thinking behind this CSR is huge – and it showed. Whilst undoubtedly tough medicine in parts, all that thought and effort produced something not only economically credible, but a radical reforming agenda. It wasn't just cuts – it was about a different way of doing things. And George Osborne's clever rabbit out of a hat finish was telling, that all the coalition cuts (at 19%) still come out at less than the 20% cuts that Labour were proposing (without a single idea on the table as to what they would have been).
What are the positives? Well, there is a clear strand of what the economists call "progressivity", which most people would describe as greater fairness, with items like the £7 billion ‘fairness premium' including £2.5 billion to go into our schools with the funding following underprivileged children, which will directly help local schools, and with the NHS being protected. There is an emphasis on growth, with direct investment in capital infrastructure, in science and higher education. Next week there will be a whole raft of details on capital projects across the country. There was welcome news of very substantial new work for Agusta-Westland, incidentally. And I am pleased with the emphasis on the environment, with £2billion for the Green Investment Bank (for starters), public transport investment, feed-in tariffs, a funded Renewable Health Incentive, and a ports competition to encourage offshore wind manufacturing industry.
The CSR was only the beginning, giving the global percentage cuts in each department. How each department now takes the reduction forward will be the further test of the government's commitment to fairness during the deficit reduction. Of course there are real worries, not least for those who work in the public sector, where substantial job losses are inevitable over the next few years. And I remain concerned that Somerset County Council is threatening cuts even more draconian than required by the government which will have a real effect on local services. But given the scale of the problem we face, I am pleased that there is at least a degree of fairness and rigour which many were concerned would not be there in the proposals.
One area which we still need to grapple with is the state of our financial institutions and the corporate sector. I worry about the number of small businesses locally that still find difficulty in getting loans from the banks, despite all the rhetoric about "business as usual", and I look forward to the conclusions of the review of banking that was set up some months ago. Meanwhile, as Secretary of State Vince Cable recently set out, there are continuing concerns about the whole way big business works.
It cannot be right that chief executives continue to be paid up to 150% of their salary in annual bonuses, or that CEO remunerations went up 15% per year between 1998 and 2008 whilst the FTSE index went down 3%. There is a fundamental disconnect between top pay and performance, and a lot of it is down to short-termism. Back in 1960 shares were held for an average period of five years. By 2007 that had gone down to less than seven and a half months. If we are to have a sustainable recovery, one that avoids the bubbles which have bedeviled the economy over recent years, then this attitude, and the failures of governance which underpin it, needs to be addressed.
David Heath MP
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