Establishing a climate change action group in Wincanton
Do you want to do something about climate change here in Wincanton?
The government has declared an Environment and Climate Emergency. South Somerset District Council has declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency. Both national and local government action is needed but we all need to do something. We’re all contributing to climate change and biodiversity loss by the way we live, so what action can we take in our own lives and in our own town?
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.”
- Robert Swan
This is not about lobbying Parliament or stopping traffic and getting arrested. There are other groups you can join to do that. This is about everyday changes we all can make, right where we live.
We are a few like-minded people who have met a couple of times at The Balsam Centre to discuss what can be done, how to share information and ideas for everyone to use and how to encourage everyone to get on-board. We’ve looked at the One Planet Living model used by some other towns which gives a good framework, but at the end of the day it’s about putting it into practice.
It’s a wide subject and we need more people with different perspectives who might be interested in finding out about and promoting particular aspects, including recycling, use of cars, food waste, use of plastic, re-greening and anything else we can think of.
If you would like to be actively involved in this new group, come along to our next meeting at The Balsam Centre on Monday 15th July at 5pm.
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