Host Family for German Visitors Urgently Needed
Wincanton Lahnau Twinning Association will be playing host this year to our Friends from Germany who will be arriving on Friday 2nd April - Saturday 10th April. We are hoping to be able to accept a coach of 38 people to spend a week in Wincanton, living with families and joining in a very varied and interesting programme.
We have managed to get nearly everyone hosted except for a family of of four consisting of mother, father and two children, a girl of 12 and a boy of 7. Is there anyone who would be able to help us with hosting this young family? If you decide you could, then you would be able to go back to Germany and stay with them next year when we do the return visit.
We are a very active and thriving Association and always looking for new members.
If you feel you could help can you please contact the Chairman Philip Rodgers on 01963 32508.
Many thanks
Gill D'Arcy
Secretary WLTA
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