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Huge Payouts to SSDC officers

Monday 21 February 2011, 13:36
By Nick Colbert

Nick Colbert, Conservative candidateI have been researching into South Somerset District Council as I am standing as a Conservative candidate in next Mays elections. I have uncovered the following - it was hidden away in one of hundreds of pages of reports:

I have just found on the council web site that Councillor Carroll as Leader of SSDC, the Deputy Leader Councillor Pallister, the Portfolio Holder for Finance Councillor Munday, along with the Section 151 Officer, authorised golden handshake payments to three members of staff totalling £1.257 million.

Unbelievable, given that South Somerset District Council's entire capital spending budget for 2010/11 is £8.731 million, of which £1.563 million went to gypsy and traveller sites.

The payments were as follows:

Chief Executive - £569,000

Corporate Director, Economic Vitality - £380,000

Corporate Director, Health & Well-being - £308,000

The Officer for "Corporate Director, Economic Vitality" got over seven times his annual salary to go. I think it's obscene. When they complain they are short of money and cutting front-line services I hope people will be aware of what they have been up to.

Council Leader Tim Carroll has built himself a costly (for the SSDC ratepayer) empire which has, according to the audit commission report, 101 aspiring managers.

The Band D South Somerset District Council ratepayer pays the highest rate of any council in the South West. With this sort of financial mismanagement it is no wonder why.

You can view the whole of SSDC's Statement of accounts for 2009/10. It's a huge document but pages 33 and 34 contain the payment details described in this article.


Posts: 1
Excessive Payouts
Reply #1 on : Wed February 23, 2011, 12:44:16
This seems too crazy to be true, but as far as I can see, it was carried by most of the national newspapers.

This is a staggering amount of money to pay in one year, and only to thee very lucky individuals. Is this prudent financial management by this District Council, or not?

Maybe we all need to change jobs and join a District Council for a period of time and then volunteer for redundancy. Seems like a great investment.

Please advise all upcoming vacancies to:

I remain yours ever hopeful.

Victor Meldrew
Posts: 1
Excessive payouts
Reply #2 on : Fri July 29, 2011, 19:14:49
What makes these payouts shrink to insignificance is the fact that a District Councillor recieves more than twice the going rate of allowances for Councillors on top of the basic rate. See the accounts 09/10. Then look at County`s!!
Posts: 1
Councillors Payouts!
Reply #3 on : Sat March 28, 2015, 19:20:31
Exactly! I know this is a old post on this site but the current policy from South Somerset D.C. Is in affect to pay each Councillor, £6.250 as a salary. On top of which members of the Controlling group as 'Cabinet members' can and do get paid considerably more. The fact that many meetings are often daytime doesn't help as that creates to need for Councillors to claim for loss of earnings and travel and it discourages people coming forward as Candidates at election time. Local Government, Both County and District is too top heavy with career structures. We in UKIP if elected will work to reduce the numbers of senior Positions and combine departments where practicable. Time for change in the District.

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