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Jessica's House - Local Art in the Heart of Wincanton

Monday 17 October 2011, 15:58
By Katie Petre-Mears

Katie Petre-Mears, the new owner of Jessica’s HouseKatie and Ted Petre-Mears first fell in love with the home behind the shop at 4 Market Place back in August this year. It was only when they started to do the sums that they realised the possibility of becoming full time shop-owners could be a reality. Katie, who has worked in pharmaceutical sales for the past 12 years, has always wanted to start her own business.

So Jessica's House was born. The name comes from their daughter Jessica, and is also the name of Caroline Walker's most famous muse (also to be seen on the Muller Light ads, running along the beach!)

Jessica's House is a place to find an unusual gift; all items in the shop are sourced from local artists and this ethos is incredibly important to Katie. She emphasises, "I wanted to create a place to find something a little different, whether it's a mug for your tea or a stunning crystal decanter for your Christmas table. You will find some really beautiful and unique pieces in Jessica's House. It is also essential that all my suppliers are home grown to really help showcase some amazing local talent."

Jessica's House has realised Katie's passion for design and her life-long ambition to return to this arena. Katie comments "I can't believe how interested and supportive everyone has been, from my wonderful designers to the local people of Wincanton. It is so refreshing to see such community spirit. We absolutely love living in Wincanton and hope to stay for a long time."

Jessica's House officially opens on the 22nd of October at 12 noon by the Mayor himself, Mr Colin Winder. There will be music and festivities on the day and all are welcome.

Jessica's House shop front, Wincanton Market PlaceInside Jessica's House, Wincanton Market Place


Posts: 1
Another quality shop in Wincanton.
Reply #1 on : Wed October 19, 2011, 14:43:12
Welcome Katie and Ted. You have worked so hard, and the beginning is in sight. Another quality shop in our High Street to maintain and enhance the experience of shopping in Wincanton. I know that the people of Wincanton will support and encourage you. Isn't that right folks?
Posts: 1
Good Luck!
Reply #2 on : Thu October 20, 2011, 08:50:07
In this day and age where 'austerity' seems to be on everyones lips its good to see someone starting out on a new venture - well done!

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