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Diamond Jubilee Celebration - A Picnic in the Park

Friday 4 May 2012, 20:34
By Mandy Cochrane

Jubilee Picnic invite

It's probably not escaped your notice that Her Majesty is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee this year and I'd like to invite you and your family to a Jubilee Picnic at Wincanton Recreation Ground on Monday 4th June, from 1.00pm to 4.00pm.

Bring a picnic (but no alcohol please), bring flags and bunting and let's have a fun afternoon (hopefully with lots of sunshine). Everyone is welcome!

There will be face-painting for the children by local artist Delightful Faces (small fee applies). And you can commission a celebratory family photograph to commemorate the day thanks to Lisa Clair Photography.

Someone has suggested we have a cake stall, so if you feel like doing a spot of baking, please bring your cakes along too and we'll sell them for a few pence each and give any money raised to a local charity.

Can You Help?

If anyone can contribute their time and talent to make the picnic even more fun, please let me know. Are you nifty with a guitar? Can you do magic tricks? Do we have a choir prepared to sing for us? All offers and ideas gratefully received.

Please can you all pass the word around as there's not much time to make this happen. Let's all just get together on Monday 4th June and have a great time in our park (again, no alcohol please).

You can call me on 01963 824822 with ideas or offers of help and you can keep abreast of latest developments on Twitter (#WincantonPicnic) and Facebook.


Victor Meldrew
Posts: 2
Re: Diamond Jubilee Celebration - A Picnic in the Park
Reply #1 on : Mon May 07, 2012, 15:46:10
Sorry but I am elswhere then. Great to see that some-ine has got off their a***s. I would have rhought that at least one of the local "organisations" would have done something!
Posts: 1
Picnic in the Park
Reply #2 on : Wed May 09, 2012, 16:53:24
I'm no event organiser by any stretch of the imagination, but if we can get word out to enough people and get a good crowd there, the atmosphere should be great and we'll make our own fun.
Victor Meldrew
Posts: 2
Re: Diamond Jubilee Celebration - A Picnic in the Park
Reply #3 on : Sat May 12, 2012, 11:52:30
I would expected that any one of the Elected representative`s would have had the gumption to do something. But I am glad I didn`t hold my breath!

Posts: 1
Picnic in the Park TODAY!
Reply #4 on : Mon June 04, 2012, 10:01:54
The Jubille Picnic is going ahead as planned this afternoon, 1.00pm to 4.00pm. Don't think it's going to rain, thank goodness!

Looking forward to seeing lots of you down there.

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