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Local Fireworks Displays 2012 VIDEO

Monday 5 November 2012, 13:46
By John Smith

[UPDATE:] New video! Buckhorn Weston bonfire and £2000 fireworks display.

Many of the big fireworks displays went off this past weekend, including one at Sherborne Castle on Saturday. But Fireworks Night is in fact tonight, 5th November. So where are the smaller local displays happening this year?

Do you know of any others that are happening tonight? It's short notice, but we'd like to add more to this list. Send us a message or post a comment and we'll see that others are added.

The 5th of November is one of those dates that all kids learn to remember. They learn of the gunpowder plot to blow up The Houses of Parliament, and about poor Guy Fawkes who paid the price for his trouble.

Since then 5th November has become an annual festival much loved by all. A time to stand round a blazing bonfire and come away with that red glow on your face (you were standing too close to the fire), and the singed eyebrows (I told you that you were too close). You only need to look at the excited faces of our young folks (and some not so young) when the fireworks are set off. It's a national treasure of an event.

I remember when I was relatively new to Wincanton that we had a huge fireworks display and bonfire, usually held at the Wincanton racecourse. If memory serves me right it was a chap who worked at the old Plessey who was the pyrotechnic expert, setting off the fireworks in a special order to bring the best "Ooooo!" from the large crowd of spectators.

As usual, over the years legislation has made it too complicated for most organisations to set up proper displays and you therefore need to have decent teamwork to run such events today. Maybe in the future we will see Wincanton run its very own 5th November event. If there are any volunteers out there who would be interested to bring this about email .


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