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Parking Charges in Wincanton - A High Street Trader's Opinion

Monday 23 January 2012, 12:53
By Dave Hill

Dave Hill, owner of Souther CartridgesI run Southern Cartridges, a small High Street shop in Wincanton providing printer inks and various associated bits and pieces. In my shop there is a second business providing computer supplies and support. We are both alarmed at the prospect of the potential introduction of parking charges for our three main car parks and the meters proposed for the High Street parking bays that are currently also free.

It seems likely that Wincanton could be blessed with the introduction of a triple whammy as far as parking in the town is considered. It appears that the three main car parks will be hit with charges of up to 80p per hour, the (currently) free parking bays will have parking meters installed at whatever charge is deemed suitable and to cap it all, we could also get a full time parking attendant (warden) who no doubt will have stiff targets to achieve to justify their position. Going from a free parking situation to what is proposed is a huge and potentially disastrous change.

Our town centre already has its fair share of empty retail units and my feelings are that any actions that could be considered detrimental to the wellbeing of our existing High Street businesses should be discussed fully to hopefully find a suitable solution. It must be remembered that many of the shops currently in the town are on a knife edge of profitability already and even a small reduction in trade could force businesses to move elsewhere or even close down completely.

I am tempted to ask whether the people responsible for these proposals actually understand the difficulties facing our small independent businesses today, or if they even care about keeping local businesses available for local people to use. If we are not careful, Wincanton town centre could end up as just another residential street with none of our interesting and unusual shops keeping local people spending their hard earned money locally.

Dave Hill


Nick Colbert
Posts: 1
Parking Charges in Wincanton - A High Street Trader's Opinion
Reply #1 on : Tue January 24, 2012, 09:40:04
I suspect Dave Hill expresses the view of most of Wincanton & Castle Carys businesses and is the overwhelming view of most residents.

The question is "Why are the Lib/dems leading the District Council, Councillor Ric Pallister and Councillor Tim Carroll choosing to do this to us at a time when most people are needing help not hurt from the council."

The answer to Dave's question

"Do they even care about keeping local businesses available for local people to use."

I am afraid of all the options available to them they choose to use parking charges as a blunt instrument to bully the town council into paying them £26,520 per year, every year, or face the clear threat of charges that will destroy the High Street and many peoples livelihoods as well.

Do they care? There are many other options available to them but this is the one they have chosen to take. I sadly think that answers the question.

It is however illegal to raise money from car parking charges to spend on other spending choices, it can only be spent on traffic management, so a challenge, and if forced by the council, a judicial review might be necessary to stop their lunacy.
Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 09:42:38 by Nick Colbert  

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