Private Cycle Training for all Ages and Abilities
I currently work on behalf of Dorset and Wiltshire County Councils, delivering Bikeability within schools across both counties. Bikeability is the new age ‘cycling proficiency’ and encourages children to cycle safely on the roads, giving them an important life skill.
Additionally, I run sessions in Dorset, Wiltshire and Somerset to get children off their stabilisers and gain confidence to eventually move on to on road cycling. I also run adult sessions tailored to suit your needs and ability, from complete beginners to advanced city cycling.
Stabiliser Sessions
Aching back? Lost patience? These are the two most common things parents say to me when I am asked to get their child riding without stabilisers. I’ve yet to run a one-to-one session when I haven’t got the trainee riding without stabilisers within an hour. Cost: £20/hr.
Child’s on-road cycle training
Aimed at ages 9+ this takes place on roads with a 30mph limit and is aimed at teaching children how to cycle safely on quieter roads. Including, road positioning, U-turns, overtaking parked vehicles, passing junctions/side roads, left and right turns, Highway Code and bike/helmet checks. This can be run as a one-to-one session or in a group of up to six trainees. Cost: £35/child.
Child’s advanced cycle training
This is aimed at children aged 11+ and is carried out on busier roads with a higher speed limit; trainees must have experience of cycling on the roads before taking part. Including all of the above as well as; roundabouts, traffic lights, multi-lane roads and advanced road positioning. This can be run as a one-to-one session or in a group of up to three trainees. Cost £35/child.
Adult tuition
Whether you are a complete beginner or are returning to cycling and just want some confidence, there is lots to offer. Sessions are tailored to suit your needs and can be run as a one-to-one or in groups of up to three. Cost: £25/hr.
If you are interested in booking some tuition or would like more information please feel free to contact me on 07521 277411 or email me at .
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