Wincanton Area Parkinson's Group Holds Events for Awareness Week
It is estimated that there are over 127,000 people suffering from Parkinson's Disease. At present there is no cure for it. As it is Parkinson's Awareness week between 16th and 22nd April this is a very busy time for Parkinson's UK, in getting the message to the general public about what Parkinson's Disease is, and what is being done in an effort to find a cure for this disease. P.A.W. is a time when the general public are invited to help raise funds to carry out research into this disease and to try and find a cure.
You may remember I started the "Wincanton & Area Parkinson's Group" in October 2010. We were a sub-group (and under the umbrella) of the North Dorset Branch of Parkinson's UK.
In October 2011,we held our first birthday party and Mr Steve Ford, Chief Executive Officer, Parkinson's UK very kindly attended the event, as the number of our members had grown so quickly in such a short time.
On the 18th April 2012 we are holding a special meeting at Yarlington Sheltered Housing, Common Road,Wincanton, as Parkinson's UK's wish for our group to be promoted to become a Full Support Group in our own right. Again, this is because of what we have achieved in such a short time and we are still growing. We have over 40 members so far.
It is with great delight, even though it is the most busy time of the year for Parkinson's UK, that Mr Steve Ford, C.E.O. of Parkinson's UK has agreed to come yet again to our meeting to officially make the change over to from a sub-group to a Parkinson's UK, Support Group. This will entail a small change of name. We will be known as "Wincanton Area Parkinson's Group".
On Thursday 19th we will be having a display information stand and collection at Morrison's Supermarket, Southgate, Wincanton from 08.30am to 6.30pm. Last year we raised over £540, so please do come along, find out about our group and support our efforts in raising funds to research and cure this disease.
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