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Angel Lane Re-opened, Finally

Thursday 6 September 2012, 11:14
By David Smith

The Council notice of closureI imagine quite a few people use Angel Lane to get to and from the High Street. It's the logical choice for me when I'm on my way to the Balsam Centre from the bottom of town, though there are other options.

For quite some time, however, Angel Lane has been closed to public access amid safety concerns. Quite serious and well founded concerns, it would seem. Here's the official notice that was tied to the railings (right) - click it to see a larger version you can actually read. I've highlighted a few key pieces of information including the date the notice appeared! Also clearly stated is the directive that the footpath be closed "for a period not exceeding 21 days".

Before the repair, railings up with Council noticePieces of the wall had already fallen onto the path below

About 9 months later Angel Lane has finally been re-opened. The privately owned structure seen above to be flopping all over the path - a considerable danger to pedestrians - has been repaired to some degree. Certainly breeze blocks and a corrugated metal roof is a step up. The least costly acceptable solution, no doubt, and entirely understandable if one assumes the structure wasn't being used for anything important, as implied by the sorry state of affairs from which it has so recently been rescued.

Repairs complete, Angel Lane re-opened! Hurrah!


Victor Meldrew
Posts: 1
Re: Angel Lane Re-opened, Finally
Reply #1 on : Sat September 08, 2012, 08:53:21
I think you will find that the discrepency in the date of the notice, the intended length of time and the completion, was down to :a) an absentee landlord, and b) the County Council, quite rightly, closing the path on safety grounds while attempting to get said absentee landlord to make safe the premises.I would go on to suggest that there are several properties around the High Street that could benefit from some inspection and repair by the landlords.

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