Did You Attend Wincanton Primary School?
On behalf of the school we have a request for viewers of the Wincanton Window. In September our year 5 and 6 children will be doing work tracing the history of our school.
This is something they should find really interesting, but it will go even better if we can get former pupils to come in and help us.
So we are looking for former pupils who are now adults who would be willing to come into school to talk to the children about what it was like when they were here. Also we are looking for old photographs and any objects you may have relating to that time which we could borrow and if possible display.
Please think about this over the summer and if you would like to volunteer to come in to tell your story or show us photos or artifacts, please send me an email or call the school at the start of September.
Sarah Martin 01963 32132
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