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Fly-Tipping in Stoke Trister - Ring Any Bells For Anyone?

Wednesday 25 April 2012, 12:07
By Joanna Gale

We 'normal' folk could ask that somebody try to explain the mentality of those we are unlucky enough to have to share this planet with who, for reasons best known to themselves, feel the need to desecrate our countryside with their rubbish - however, you would be wasting your breath with me as it is beyond my comprehension.

Is it a total lack of grey matter (although presumably they have managed to pass their driving test which enables them to make a special journey to find somewhere that is not in sight of their own patch - another few miles and, hey presto, they could be at the FREE council tip!)? Probably; together with a total lack of respect and morals, an overdose of selfishness and a disregard for anyone or anything other than themselves.

Fly-tipped rubbish in Stoke Trister

Beech Lane, Stoke Trister is fairly close to being as Mother Nature intended, especially for a few days after the Council's team have passed through on one of their rare visits, scooping up the filth left by passing litter thugs, but why should they have to do this?

My photos show the latest atrocity that appears to have arrived from a flat in Wincanton High Street - ring any bells for anyone? I know what I would like to do to the perpetrator but, the law being what it is, I don't wish to take up any of Her Majesty's time looking after me in one of her local holiday camps. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE - you should be ashamed of yourself and hopefully the Council will be knocking on your door shortly.

Rubbish amongst bluebellsThe day this lot arrived a similar pile of bags appeared at Pen Ridge - maybe there is a connection and maybe, on reflection, the owner would like to retrieve his lost rubbish!

This is what Mother Nature has to contend with - how grateful we should be that she still manages to produce the goods against all adversity.

Time to get together perhaps to pressurize the powers that be into providing a workable law that results in successful prosecutions with huge, hurtful fines; dedicated teams within each Council who take no prisoners; an end to the ridiculous limitations on the amount of rubbish we are permitted to leave out for the refuse collectors and a slot in the education system to ensure young brains get the message.

Sadly there is no hope of educating the parents who take part in this mind-numbing pastime. Obviously we cannot depend on them to enlighten their children, for now it will have to be up to the rest of us who appreciate how lucky we are to have access to the countryside and all it has to offer us for free.

This has been reported to South Somerset Council and the Report Number is 903911.

SSDC fly-tipping notice
Empty threat? A return of the village stocks might be more effective.


Posts: 1
Reply #1 on : Wed April 25, 2012, 11:10:24
I don't know if I'd know 'em if I met 'em, but some people (a surprisingly large minority, I can only hope) literally are the 'scum of the Earth'.

I can't drop a fragment of paper without losing a night's sleep. Others seem to operate to a different moral code.

Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 11:11:53 by davidsmith  
Nick Colbert
Posts: 1
Reply #2 on : Thu April 26, 2012, 15:55:32
I hope SSDC go through the rubbish, there must be some evidence there of who's it is.
Victor Meldrew
Posts: 1
Re: Fly-Tipping in Stoke Trister - Ring Any Bells For Anyone?
Reply #3 on : Fri May 04, 2012, 19:06:53
Nick, I hear that when black bags in town have been reported as `Fly-tipping`, it has been SSDC`s response "Black bag, it must be household wadte, so call SWP"!

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