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Golf for Beginners at Wincanton Golf Club

Sunday 13 March 2011, 09:30
By Jenny Sparkes

This looks like a rather generic golf stock photo...As the weather begins to improve why not learn to play golf? Those who want to start the game or those who have tried a few shots can learn the fundamentals of the game. Join a group that will learn how to hit the ball correctly, know which club for which distance. Use a wood from the tee, get yourself out of a bunker and get a grip on your putting.

Tutor Andrew England will put you through your paces at Wincanton Golf Club, starting on Tuesday April 7th from 6.00pm - 7.30pm.

The four sessions will cost £27 (concessions apply) and to enrol phone 0845 6880488 or speak to Jenny Sparkes in the Somerset Skills and Learning Centre at King Arthurs Community School, telephone 01963 33246.

Somerset Skills & Learning would like to hear from you about other learning opportunities you would like to see provided in the Wincanton area. Contact Jenny by phone or email .


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