Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Wincanton Tennis Club Open Day on Saturday 30th April

Fancy a hit on a spring day? Everyone is welcome to come and find out about our friendly club on our Open Day at Wincanton Sports Ground. Come along to hit with a member or join in a free session with the coach.
Have a go this Sunday at Wincanton Tennis Club's open day

Interested in finding out about our friendly club? Don your trainers, pick up a racquet and join us at our open day on Sunday 4th July. All ages welcome!
FREE play at Wincanton Tennis Club's annual open day

Wincanton Tennis Club at Wincanton Sports Ground is holding its annual open day this Saturday, 15th April, to which all abilities are welcome. Adults and juniors will be able to play for free, and juniors will be offered free coaching.
Wincanton Tennis Club has officially opened its four newly-surfaced courts

Four newly-surfaced courts at Wincanton Tennis Club were officially opened on Saturday 9th April by Howard Ellard, the Mayor of Wincanton as part of the club’s Annual Open Day, during which the community was invited to come experience its facilities.
Car Treasure Hunt with Hog Roast & Live Music

Wincanton Tennis Club is raising funds for the resurfacing of their courts. They have organized a Family Fun Car Treasure Hunt on Saturday 4th October, followed by a hog roast and live music at Wincanton Sports Ground.
New Coach for Wincanton Tennis Club

Wincanton Tennis Club committee have this month appointed a new Head Coach. Dan Cahill, who is Level 3 certified, has impressive experience in teaching tennis and fitness to juniors of all ages and adults across a wide range of abilities.
Tennis Marathon on Sunday in Support of Court Resurfacing

On Sunday 24th August Dan Cahill, the new Tennis Coach at Wincanton Tennis Club, will be undertaking a non-stop tennis marathon from 8am to 8pm to raise funds for the courts' resurfacing.
Game Set & Match Summer Camps at Wincanton Tennis Club

The Annual Game Set & Match Tennis Academy "Summer Tennis Camps 2014" at Wincanton Tennis Club are four-day tennis camps, where kids can bring their tennis aspirations to life. Monday to Thursday every week, through the summer holidays.
The Winky Wonky Tennis And Olympic Summer Camps 2012

Presented by Game Set and Match Tennis Academy, these tennis and multisport Summer holiday camps run from 9.00am to 3.00pm each day at Wincanton Tennis Club, celebrating the 2012 Olympic Year.
Game Set and Match Tennis Academy at Wincanton Tennis Club

Since setting up the Tennis Academy in 2011, I've been busy creating lots of courses for all ages and abilities. Take a look and if you've never played tennis before, or would like to play again. Come and join in!
Mini Tennis Teams Have Fun at Wincanton Tennis Club

Congratulations to the young winners of the successful 'Mini Tennis Pairs Tournament' at Wincanton Tennis Club on Sunday 9th October.
Summer 2011 Grand-ish Slam Tennis Camps

Hey kids!! Enjoy Tennis at Wincanton Tennis Club this Summer Holiday. Our Grand-ish Slam Tennis Camps are for all junior Tennis players, come along and find out how much fun tennis can be even if you have never played before. All equipment provided.
Wincanton Tennis Club Appoints New Coach

Wincanton Tennis Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Jon Rolnik as the new Club Coach. The Club is really pleased to have mini, junior and adult coaching programmes running again.
Wincanton Tennis Club Gets a Super New Clubhouse

Anyone for Tennis? Wincanton Tennis Club celebrates the opening of their new court side clubhouse.
Junior Tennis Coaching - sign up now to secure your place!

Juniors as young as 5 years are welcome to join the Junior Coaching programme at Wincanton Tennis Club. There are weekly sessions for children of all ages and standards all run by our LTA qualified coaches.
Showing 1 - 15 of 15 Articles