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King Arthur's Folk Group Prepares for Birmingham UPDATED

Monday 4 July 2011, 21:47
By Emma Fletcher

[Update:] Read a post-event update below

The school Folk Group has been invited to play at the Music for Youth National Festival in Birmingham on Thursday 7th July 2011.

Out of the thousands of students who enter the Regional Festivals across the country only a few get selected to perform in Birmingham, so it is a real sign of their accomplishment and professionalism that they have been chosen.

King Arthur's Folk Group

The Blackmore Vale Folk Group as they are known is now made up of ten current students and four ex-students from King Arthur's. They have played gigs in local festivals and pubs, but are really looking forward to Birmingham as it is the chance to perform in a lovely venue (The Adrian Boult Hall) and offers the hope that they may be selected to play in the Schools Prom in November, which takes place in the Royal Albert Hall! However, first we have to put in a fabulous performance at Birmingham.



Update on the events of 7th July

It was early start to a very busy day. The three and a half hour journey was relatively trouble free and although a little late the folk group was able to join in with the workshops about 'performing' a piece. The rest of the party (30 lower school students, who came along to support) had a walk along the Birmingham Canal and ate their sandwiches before arriving to take their seats in the audience.

The run through before going on stage was perfect and we were all set. The group was escorted backstage and they looked confident. Then came the moment to step out and perform!

KA Folk Group - before or after?

The first piece had a great start and slow build up. Then came the dreaded momentary lapse in concentration and a mistake which nobody but those who knew our arrangement would have spotted but it caused a wave of nerves and indecision. The group became self conscious and only the determination of a few kept the piece going. Eventually the piece settled into the final section with a beautiful flute harmony and lyrical melody to complete the performance. They took a slight pause, gathered themselves and launched into the final item. This went incredibly well with some superb singing but unfortunately the group had lost their courage to keep their heads up and smile.

During the feedback they were praised for their excellent singing and the lovely arrangement of their music but inevitably were criticised for not involving the audience and really feeling the mood of the music. These were perfectly reasonable criticisms but the feeling of deflation and anticlimax was inevitable!

Well, there is always next year!

Emma Fletcher


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