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A Brexit message from our twinning friends in Lahnau, Germany

Friday 20 December 2019, 14:48
By Karlheinz Bindemann

The Wincanton-Lahnau Twinning Association celebrating their 25th anniversary in 2016

As members of the board of the DEUTSCH-ENGLISCHER FREUNDESKREISLAHNAU E.V. we would like to express our great regret for all of Wincanton's citizens about Britain's exit from the EU. As convinced Europeans, we are of course very sad about this development. However, for we are Democrats, we have to and we will accept the decision of the British voters.

However, we hope that the partnership between Wincanton and Lahnau willcontinue and that the friendships that have developed over the past 30 years will not be destroyed.

We wish all friends and citizens of Wincanton a happy and blessed Christmas and a happy new year.




[EDITOR:] The Wincanton-Lahnau Twinning Association has provided the following statement in response.

We as a Twinning Association hope that we can continue our friendship with our friends in Germany. The twinning has been in place for over 30 years with visits on a regular basis and many personal friendships formed.

In these uncertain times it is difficult to judge how Brexit will affect us.

Sadly as an association we now have an aging membership and a depleted membership making exchanges increasingly difficult, especially finding host families in the town.

We will always welcome new members.

We are holding our annual Carols Around the Tree on Saturday 21st December; please join us and ask us for more information.

 - Elaine Rodgers, Secretary, WLTA


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