Park Shelter Smashed
If you turn to the minutes of the August PACT meeting you can read about how there have been a string of incidents in and around the recreation area which involved drinking, noise and roaring around on scooters. They have also involved littering the area with bottles and cans and spraying the walls of the shelter with choice graffiti. All rather sad expressions of boredom and a lack of thought for those who live in the neighbourhood. The PACTCl report lists priority patrolling by the police and the handing out of warnings and what is called a Section 59 which if broken or ignored can have serious consequences, such as the confiscation of a vehicle. Parents of under age drinkers are also informed.
A week after the PACT meeting as I was walking through the recreation ground I saw the groundsman working on the shelter. He had just finished loading up a pile of broken concrete and filling in the 'L' shaped gap left when the shelter was struck by those who had clearly decided to try and demolish it. What can one say except that such pathetic behaviour is extremely sad and depressing and the costs of repairing the shelter will be considerable just when the Town Council has no spare funds.
This shows the broken concrete |
This shows where the benches were |
Posts: 1
Reply #1 on : Wed September 08, 2010, 09:14:32
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