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Parkinson's Group Have Their First Meeting

Monday 8 November 2010, 14:23
By Stephen Beech

For the first meeting of the group 15 people came and apologies from 5 others were received.

We were provided with a truly mouth-watering selection of cakes for this, our first meeting as the Wincanton & Area Parkinson's Group, on Wednesday 20th Oct in the Sun Lounge at the Wincanton War Memorial Hall.

After a lively debate about what to call ourselves we unanimously decided on Wincanton Area Parkinson's Group, as several of our members come from the villages surrounding Wincanton and we want to be as welcoming and inclusive as possible.

We decided that we intend meeting once a month on the 3rd Wednesday, and we hope to draw up an interesting list of speakers who might come and address us on local and national matters of interest.

After tea and cakes we got down to the business of electing office holders for the group and these were the results. Chairperson Steve Beech, Sub Group Secretary Silvia Gordy. Other posts will be decided at the next meeting.

Half the group sitting around cakes 

Here you see half the group sitting around our excellent cakes.

A few more from the group, including Sarah Barter

And here are some more of the group. The Lady in the centre of the photograph is Sarah Barter, Parkinson's UK Information and Support Office for Somerset.

We were then introduced to Sarah Barter, Information and Support Worker for Parkinson's UK for Somerset who gave a very informative talk as to her role and informed us as what help she can offer, from how to fill out claim forms for such things as applying for a Blue Parking badge to help with claiming finances to adapt your home for a disabled person, such as changing a bathroom to a wet shower room, ramps, chair lifts etc.

If you suffer with Parkinson's disease or are a carer of, or a relative of, or someone that Parkinson's affects, we would love you to come along to our meetings, and share your experience with us. You will be made most welcome.

Do give me a call. Tel No 01963 824854, or Mobile 07718 662053,

Or email .

Our next meeting will be on - Wednesday 17th November 2010 between 2pm and 4pm, Wincanton War Memorial Hall.

Stephen Beech


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