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Planning Control and its Effects on Wincanton UPDATE

Wednesday 28 August 2013, 13:28
By Richard D'Arcy

A 'For Sale' sign at Long Close, WincantonRecently our government expressed a desire to relax Planning Control in some aspects, as it felt such action would assist a recovery in the building industry.

This may be true regarding some aspects but not in others. The protection currently afforded to those who reside adjacent to an application must not be compromised. They must retain the right to oppose an application which they may consider detrimental to their situation or locality.

However, it could be argued some aspects of Planning Control are too relaxed. To grant permission for a residential development or other construction with no completion date makes little sense. It is evident a minimal amount of work has to be done which will constitute the construction has commenced and therefore the planning approval will not lapse. The need to renew any such approval will no longer apply.

If planning is to be controlled it could be said that control should apply throughout the life of any development, with regular dialogue and site checks to monitor progress or lack of.

Station Road Wincanton project

At a meeting of the Wincanton Town Council on 8th July 2013 I gave a presentation which highlighted some of the areas in Wincanton which do nothing to enhance or promote our town. We have a group of people who are actively trying to promote our town to increase the footfall in an attempt to assist traders and our high street.

The first impression experienced by a tourist visiting our town for the first time, I am sure, would not be good. The visual impact is not encouraging and begs the question, will they return?

A few examples of what you see is illustrated are included here; some show grass verges which are poorly maintained whilst others show examples of poor planning control.

Surely it must not require individuals to highlight these concerns which are visible for all to see on a daily basis. Control and planned management is required.

Silver Street, Wincanton

Station Road, Wincanton

Station Road, Wincanton

Long Close, Wincanton

Bayford Hill

Bayford Hill, Wincanton

West Hill, Wincanton



[UPDATE: 15/09/2013] Thanks to Jim Eastaugh who has contributed the following comment and images.

I hope the recent visit of the CEO of the District Council produces some results, but not all is Doom and Gloom. Attached are two photos of the High Street called 'Disgrace' and 'Delight'.

One of Wincanton's more pleasant examples of property maintenance.

One of Wincanton's most public, long term disgraces.


Posts: 1
Wincanton- its grim appearance
Reply #1 on : Wed August 28, 2013, 19:07:11
Music to my ears Richard - when is something going to be done about the town.Until the town looks inviting it will go nowhere.Forget markets etc - clean it up, get retailers to smarten up- it's in their interest.
What is the town council doing - lets have a response showing action steps.
Posts: 1
Planning Control - No Control
Reply #2 on : Thu August 29, 2013, 07:41:49
How could planning be granted for the development of the land that the Travel lodge , Pub , and KFC are on have been granted without preconditions being put in place to re-develop the house and landscape the unused land. The development looks awful and unfinished. Most people cant put up a Garage or a small extension without lengthy debates with the planning office but these commercial developments seem to go ahead without any controls yet unlike a small extension that just impacts your neighbors these developments have an impact on the entire community.
Last Edit: August 29, 2013, 07:42:40 by keith123  
Posts: 1
Joint action to tackle the deterioration in Wincanton's apperance
Reply #3 on : Thu August 29, 2013, 09:41:56
I note that the Town and District Council have agreed on a joint strategy to address some of the problems that Richard has identified in his timely article. Anyone who has lived in Wincanton for some years will have become increasingly disheartened by the remorseless deterioration in the appearance of our historic town (see its entry in Pevsner, written in the 1950s). There is an unfortunate mismatch between the policies enshrined the the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) issued in March 2012 and designed to speed up planning procedures and thus promote more rapid development, and the Coalition Government's Localism Agenda which is seeks to enable local people to have much more say in local planning decisions. I very much hope that our elected Town Councillors will be able to work in close partnership with our two District Councillors to promote the latter and engage on our behalf in a robust dialogue with local property owners and developers to address the problems that Richard has identified. It would be interesting to hear the response of at least some of our local property owners and developers to what he has to say.
Posts: 1
Town Eyesores
Reply #4 on : Fri August 30, 2013, 10:22:29
I think that Richard’s article is excellent. It’s important for any community to do its best to look good so that visitors leave with a good impression, wanting to come back. Wincanton is like all other towns, big or small. We all have issues that need to be dealt with.
I take my hat off to our councils who are working together towards solving these issues. They deserve all our support. But make sure that each individual issue is checked thoroughly to find the reasons for the problem. Not all problems should be dealt with enforcement actions. Better to try and keep everyone on-side.
Don’t forget that the current economic climate is not helping. In fact it is a major factor that may be responsible for stopping some of the issues being resolved. With developers, it seems that the only ones doing major work are those who get paid by Government to build social housing that is in such demand…… that is, until it’s built and nobody wants them. Other developers who have invested heavily in land have no alternative but to try and wait it out till the market demands more houses for sale. So each issue has to be checked thoroughly to see if an agreeable plan can be reached before resorting to costly enforcement actions.
Having lived in Wincanton for most of my adult life I believe that this town is a great place to be. It’s by no means perfect and there are some very hard working people out there who do great things to encourage this community. However there seems always to be a small number who can only utter negative things about Wincanton. I would encourage them to stop being negative and start offering positive help to make Wincanton an even better place to be. This town is slowly improving and will continue to do so. There always has been and always will be issues. We just need to make sure that we have people willing to stand up and help to resolve issues. We need to see people who instead of bashing Wincanton are being part of the positive solution.
Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 10:23:44 by johnsmith  
Posts: 1
Rubbish,Mess and Dog Fouling
Reply #5 on : Thu September 12, 2013, 10:55:10
Having just walked down through town, down Common Rd into Snag Lane with my dog and seen the amount of rubbish in the streets, outside properties, dog fouling and buildings that need repairs and materials cleared away, its disgusting and does let the town down, we all should ensure we put it all in the bins provided(rubbish and dog fouling) or take it home or up to Dimmer. Shouldn't it be part of planning that developers clean up after themselves and keep area's tidy if they are waiting to develop and area. If as a private householder I didn't keep my property clean and tidy,I'm sure someone would soon tell me to or they should.
Posts: 1
Rubbish and Mess
Reply #6 on : Sun March 02, 2014, 17:11:46
I couldn't agree more! If you walk down through the town it is just full of litter, fag ends by the ton and in certain areas great piles of rubbish are just left. Wincanton could be a very pretty little town but the amount of litter is just horrible. Is anyone surprised that people either don't stop and just pass through to somewhere where there is some pride still left or visit once and don't bother to return?
Posts: 2
Reply #7 on : Sun May 18, 2014, 13:56:04
What planning, it ranspires from a meeting over the current application to develop ground at windmill farm,penn view, that the local plan is not worth the paper its written on!!! and it would appear wincanton has been left open to planning applications,whether on brownfield or greenfield sites, and the Money go,s to.......YEOVIL. Now can someone please explain to me how this is right? No wonder south somerset county council was not worried that their now appears to be no restrictions on where developers can build!! Please people of Wincanton take Notice, this is becoming a dormitory own for Yeovil, with Yeovil reaping the benefits from Building in Wincanton, some of us are in the process of forming a action group , this will not be politically led, we have had enough of no-one listening to local people,and matters that concern us bing deceided by suits in Westminster etc who have no idea or local knowledge, the group can be found on fb, campaign against development at windmill farm, I you have a voice andare prepared to use it an not just press a lke button ask to be added to group. we are NOT POLITICAL we just have had enouh!!
Posts: 2
Re: Planning Control and its Effects on Wincanton <span style='color: red;'>UPDATE</span>
Reply #8 on : Sun May 18, 2014, 13:59:48
and my spelling is bloody rubbish!!!

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