Templecombe's Hidden Railway Garden
The Templecombe Station Volunteers was formed at the end of last summer with a view to restoring the station garden to its former glory. Although still beautiful, it was becoming ragged round the edges and in need of some investment of both time and money.
The response of local people (not all train spotters) in joining the group has been encouraging and businesses such as Castle Gardens, Dikes and Vital Property Solutions have offered much needed practical and financial support.
Now, almost a year on, we have about twenty volunteers who regularly meet ( at The Wessex), and they weed, mow, water, weed again, and plant the numerous tubs, baskets and borders. Slowly it is all taking shape, and our latest baskets are starting to look blooming good. We hope to be able to restore the beautiful, yet somewhat weathered 'Tempus Fugit' statue, and will need to do some serious lopping of delinquent shrubs if other, more genteel plants are to survive.
These long term plans will need a different kind of expertise other than the goodwill and hard slog we have at present in abundance.
To find out more e-mail
Alison Clements
(Photos by John Baxter)
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