Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Christmas Eve Celebrations End in Flames at The Bear Inn

On Christmas Eve at around 8.00pm Christmas celebrations at The Bear Hotel, Wincanton, were brought to a halt when a fire broke out in the chimney breast on the top floor. Staff discovered the fire and called the emergency services.
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit – Showing at The Bear, Monday 2nd June

Wincanton Film Society is bringing yet another blockbuster film to town, showing action thriller "Jack Ryan; Shadow Recruit" at The Bear Inn on Monday 2nd June. Join us for a movie, food and a beverage! 7.30pm start.
The Lego Movie - Not Just For Kids! Monday at The Bear

Get in touch with your inner kid. Come and see The Lego Movie at The Bear on Monday 5th May at The Bear, Wincanton, presented by Wincanton Film Society. This film is a must-see, whatever your age.
Anchorman 2 – The Legend Continues... at The Bear!

April's movie at The Bear is "Anchorman 2 – The Legend Continues", with Will Ferrell, this Monday, 7th April. Make a night of it and grab a meal at the bear while you watch the film.
Watch Captain Phillips at The Bear on 10th March

Movies at The Bear brings another great film, Captain Phillips to Wincanton at The Bear Inn on Monday 10th March.
"Gravity" - The next movie at The Bear

"Gravity" starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney is being screened in The Sweetman Hall at The Bear, Wincanton on Monday 3rd February 2014 at 7.30pm. With bar facilities and snacks available, a great evening awaits you at the movies.
WFS Begins Movies at The Bear with Arthur Christmas on Saturday 4th

Wincanton Film Society is starting 2014 with a new initiative. Working with The Bear Hotel, they will screen films monthly in The Sweetman Hall. The ball starts rolling tomorrow, Saturday 4th January, with a special family matinee film, "Arthur Christmas".
The Bear Inn, Wincanton's Oldest

Ian and Jo Wainwright talk about the Bear. The friendly free house they have owned and run for the past fourteen years.
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 Articles