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Wincanton - Our Future

Tuesday 8 January 2013, 11:55
By Colin Bowie

In the Western Gazette before Christmas, there was an article from a resident of Wincanton, calling for greater advertising of our town. Our High Street is in dire need of new and diverse businesses, and we need more diversity by the way of entertainment.

Wincanton High Street, just outside Clementina'sYes we now have a KFC, a Travelodge and a new pub. All on the entrance to town, with very little to draw visitors up into the High Street. For unknown reasons the Purple Poppy has not managed to set up her shop and now the shoe shop is closed; that makes three empty premises, and we know that SSDC is of no help in encouraging new ventures, as Yeovil is all that counts in their eyes.

The article says that there are people trying to put together a plan for the town's future. Unfortunately there is a plan, but it raises its head for some time, then goes back to sleep. Possibly because it is looking at the Grand Scheme, instead of concentrating on the NOW.

Wincanton People's Plan was, and still is, a good plan, but that was for the long term. What is needed is something today, something that will make people say, "Isn't Wincanton a great vibrant place to visit?"

Wincanton is expanding. We need to bring in people, as that is what will bring in businesses. Yes, I know, we need the businesses to bring in the people. That is the Catch 22 situation.

Once we had the Carnival, which can still be revived; it has been done before. We need events – a festival is suggested in the article. Well we have the facilities, all that is required is the ideas and the willingness to run with it. The Discworld events prove just what can be achieved. With the Travelodge we have extra accommodation, so there is nothing to stop it.

I am sure we can host a music festival, even a literary one. How about a sports one? We have superb facilities for that. A music festival would be good as music has so many genres, and we have the venues that could be used. The same could be said of a literary one. There was a renowned event that was held here that could be resurrected as well as new ones. All that I see that the town is lacking is a central point where ideas could be left, and volunteers to run with them, and possibly the will to bring the town back to what it was, the centre of the area.

I look forward to seeing the comments; that is if anybody can be bothered to or even reads the Window.

[EDITOR:] I'm sure someone will read this Colin – we had over 66,000 visits to the website during 2012.


Posts: 1
Community Action is as Vital as Community Spirit
Reply #1 on : Tue January 08, 2013, 15:19:10
"All that I see that the town is lacking is a central point where ideas could be left, and volunteers to run with them."

And there's the rub Colin. Ideas are the easy part aren't they? Wincanton has no shortage of rhetoric and ideas to make it better. And what better central point could we have to put forward those ideas and get organised to act upon them than Wincanton Window? But when it comes to that extra step of giving up personal time, to actually, physically, DO something, suddenly the show of hands is woefully thin.

Community spirit is all well and good, but it's nothing without action and that's where Wincanton needs a good kick in the derriere to get it moving.

Fantastic to see this isn't the case with the River Cale clean-up initiative ( We need more like it.

Posts: 1
I can be bothered!
Reply #2 on : Tue January 08, 2013, 18:27:23
Firstly, thanks to Colin for taking that first step in making the effort to write an article, I know that it can feel like a scary thing to do.
Both your article & Mandy's excellent response are what the site is all about, expressing your own feelings & others responding. Colin, your article has prompted atleast two responses, so if nothing else, there are people out there that can 'be bothered'.

On occasions, I to have 'made the effort', to enter an article on the 'Window',I actually enjoy seeing that I've gone through the process of sitting down, planning my piece, re-writning it many, many times! & then watching the respones. So, congratulation Colin, I was engaged in your article & was motivated to respond.

In response, I would like to say that I think many of us (the good people of Wincanton), would agree with what you want but as Mandy puts so well it's a whole new ball game making it happen. If I could support my financial demands of a young family of five and a mortgage then I would, without hesitation open a second hand book shop tomorrow. I'd sit in my shop all day, enjoying the smell of old books, engaging in conversation - what a novelty! - with likeminded persons who enjoy the thrill of a good browse. But & it's a big but, how would I survive?

Many of us know what our High Street should offer but how do we make it happen? What can I do? What can you do?

I've raised the matter before but there are many in our Town that make things happen, The Christmas Fair, brilliant, a group of GP's that felt so strongly that they invested in a new Health Centre & although noises of disapproval were made at the time all I can now witness is an outstanding facility, something practical that some might even move to the area for. Someone at sometime made sure that if you pulled off the 303 for a KFC that there was an obvious effort to make the paths to the Town almost 'Wizard of Oz', like.

Gary & Matt, the River 'fixers', will be there on Sunday morning & I will bet good money to suggest that they wont be alone when they start their long term clean up.

All examples of those amongst us who can make things happen.

And finally, my challenge this Christmas was to purchase all my Christmas presents from Town and guess what? Iwasn't far off.
Posts: 1
I bother
Reply #3 on : Tue January 08, 2013, 18:50:20
Having been one of the main organisers for the Christian extravaganza for the last two years I know how difficult it is to get people to give up their time and help, in fact if we dont get help to organise this years it may not go ahead as it has grown into an amazing event but that takes time and effort.
Posts: 2
Re: Wincanton - Our Future
Reply #4 on : Thu January 10, 2013, 14:50:51
The wincanton town team was set up on the back of the much publicised 'save our high streets' in a partnering between government and communities and Mary Portas. Now whether you love Mary or loath her you must agree that she is fighting the corner of the high street and the manpower she recently put behind the 'no thank you tesco' in Sherborne cannot be ignored.
The town team has only been going for a short time and we have already been awarded 10k of funding. This is through hard work and perseverance of a few like minded individuals who are happy to devote their time to this.
Anyone who might like to get involved, no matter how busy, the help is always welcome. I have 3 children and worked full time until recently going on MAT leave so I know what it's like to juggle!
I would really like to try and amalgamate all the good work done in the past and ensure we have one strong team going forward, otherwise everyone is confused and a clear purpose undefined.
We are planning an informal drop in meeting at the end of feb to ask local people their opinions on the town teams plans and the potential for a market in the future. Wincanton is a market town after all!
Please do feedback either on the window, our Facebook page or my email as I am always willing to listen. We fully intend to make positive changes to the town and I am nothing but tenacious so please have patience and watch this space! Further details of our feb meeting will be advertised shortly.
Posts: 2
The Town Team
Reply #5 on : Fri January 11, 2013, 23:36:40
It is good to hear from Katie Petre-Mears of the Town Team. It would however be nice to know the following.
1. Who appointed the Town Team and how?
2. Who is on the Town Team and why?
3. What plans and ideas has the TT made to date?
4. Why has the Wincanton Window not been used before now to record and publicise the work of the Town Team so everyone can know what is going on? Is this about to change?
5. The WW provides an ideal free platform for the expression of plans and ideas,(news views and opinions)free from editorial bias or restrictions on space. That is why it was set up.
Please note the Gazette may try to give good coverage,but it is ephemeral and papers are quickly thrown away and forgotten. Articles on the WW remain in place, can be commented on and built on. With around 6,000 hits per month it is quite widely read. Use it and make a difference.
Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 23:43:32 by johnbaxter  
Posts: 2
Re: Wincanton - Our Future
Reply #6 on : Sat January 12, 2013, 22:25:24
Good to hear from you too John and my sincere apologies for not giving the wincanton window the attention it deserves. You all do a fantastic job championing new businesses and sharing local events and information.
I am sad that you think the town team have not achieved much, as I thought that raising 10k for the town in such a short space of time was a good start. However, everyone is entitled to their say and should the locals of Wincanton prefer to vote for a town team, it is something we should if course listen to.
I will of course share the developments on the window going forward. We must remember that we will achieve more good for the town by being united in our cause and supportive of each other.
I urge anyone who might like to get involved please get in touch!
Victor Meldrew
Posts: 1
Re: Wincanton - Our Future
Reply #7 on : Wed January 16, 2013, 12:24:54
Well, so many responses to a good question. We hear from the Wincanton Town Team, possibly for the first time, BUT where is the Wincanton Town Plan? Yet again it appears to have gone into who knows where. It started out with grand ambitions,faded, was resurected,and faded away again. This is what appears to be happening with the Town Team, I hope not but......... I note that events are mentioned in the article, but no response on that, or genuine constructive comments. But it is early days so we can but hope. Contrary to common perceptins, I do not always try to be what my name suggests.
Posts: 2
Town team
Reply #8 on : Thu January 17, 2013, 15:09:39
Katie my comment does not say I do not think the Town Team has achieved much so I am surprised you think it does. Certainly landing a grant of 10K is worth while. My point is simply that the Window is a useful tool you could use and I list some questions about the Town Team I am sure many would like to have explained to them. Using the Window has considerable advantages.

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