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Wind Turbines Plan Withdrawn

Tuesday 23 November 2010, 13:42
By Western Gazette

Wind turbine[Got a story you want published? Put Wincanton Window on your list of media to get in touch with - we never run out of space so you can tell the whole story! We're also renowned for the number and quality of photos we publish with our articles, although unfortunately, we're unable to reproduce photos with these articles, which first appeared in the Western Gazette.]

A planning application for two 34 metre-high wind turbines in Charlton Musgrove was withdrawn just hours before it was due to be discussed by the parish council.

Applicant Keens Cheddar Ltd was notified of a lack of information in the plans concerning noise and visual impact the turbines at Moorhayes would have on the area, just two days before the meeting.

Keens was unable to provide the information required in time for the planned meeting at Charlton Musgrove village hall so withdrew their application.

Opposition from the development has come from Wincanton racecourse which says the turbines could spook horses and damage the outlook for patrons.

Andrew Collins, case officer at South Somerset District Council, said a resubmission of the application was anticipated. He said, "The applicant has withdrawn the application as it was considered the plans did not give enough information on certain key areas."

Article first published in the Western Gazette


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