Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Common Road is to be resurfaced at last!

Rejoice! At long last, Somerset Highways has announced their plans to resurface Common Road. Perhaps Wincanton Museum would be interested to preserve some of the road's original surface.
Sandbag – Wincanton RBL newsletter for March & April 2018

The Royal British Legion Wincanton Branch monthly magazine. This issue includes “Every One Remembered”, promised information about roads names in Wincanton, The Great Pilgrimage 90 and Remembrance 2018.
Celebrating the Power Of Women

The film Suffragette will be showing in Wincanton Town Hall tomorrow night as part of programme called Power Of Women (POW) created by South Somerset's film project Where West Begins and Lynne Franks.
Wincanton mourns the loss of Geoff Redfearn

The people of Wincanton were shocked late on Thursday 22nd February, when it was announced that Geoff Redfearn, owner of Redfearns café and Thai restaurant, had passed away that day.
Discovering Wincanton Museum

How well do you know Wincanton? This “pleasant town on the Cale” has a long history. This is the first in a monthly series focusing on an exhibit from the museum to tell some of the stories of our town.
Spectra Musica presents Motets, Madrigals and More

Spectra Musica will be singing ‘Motets, Madrigals and More’ at St Luke and St Teresa’s Church, Wincanton on 17th March, including works by Brahms, Lloyd Webber and Seiber.
Farewell my darling Clementina

At the end of 2017, Wincanton residents were saddened to hear that Mrs Pam Cave had passed away. Better known to many as the owner of Clementina, you may not know about her family heritage, and the contribution she and her family made to the town.
Volunteers needed to spend time with people with sight loss

Somerset Sight is in need of local volunteers to spend time with people in the Wincanton area who suffer with sight loss. Read on if you would consider giving a couple of hours a month to make a difference to someone's life.
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - February 2018

Historian Susan Maltin from Horsington tells us about her five minutes of fame on the programme “Who do you think you are” and her encounter with Derek Jacobi, and Horsington School prepares for its Summer Fete.
Sandbag – Wincanton RBL newsletter for January & February 2018

The Wincanton Branch’s monthly magazine for the Royal British Legion. This issue includes Wincanton's Remembrance 2017 parade, more about roads named after war heroes of Wincanton and a new permanent memorial in Wincanton.
Carrington House care staff acknowledged for long service

Long-serving staff at Carrington House were recently invited to an event to celebrate their service achievements. An outstanding combined 85 years service was recognised at the event.
Why should you vote “Yes” on 8th February?

Got an unexpected poll card through your door? Read on to find out why voting “Yes” next week could help Wincanton regain some control over its future development, and achieve a balanced community and local economy.
Next PACT meeting: Tuesday 30th January

On Tuesday 30th January 2018, the Wincanton Neighbourhood Police Team will be holding a Partners and Communities Together (PACT) meeting at the offices of South Somerset District Council, Churchfields.
Shopping and services in Wincanton over the festive period

With Christmas less than a week away we need to remember that the festive season can also result in some disruption to otherwise normal community service time-tables. The following information will hopefully help you to navigate the holiday period.
The Lovington Bakery is taking orders for Christmas Eve

Going the extra mile this Christmas, The Lovington Bakery will be open for business on Christmas Eve (Sunday 24th) between 8am and 12 noon, but you'll want to pre-order to ensure that you get what you need!
Local businesses give Wincanton Rugby Club a fresh look

Wincanton Rugby Club has received a cash boost from several local businesses to purchase a brand new and much needed home strip for the new season.
How 2017 will end for Wincanton Town Football Club

We have three big games remaining in 2017, starting with local rivals Chard Town on the 23rd and the Boxing Day clash of Sherborne Town. We end the year at Chippenham on the 30th.
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - December 2017 & January 2018

A tale by Mark Tucker about the Clipper Round The World Yacht Race he joined, Chris Bailward recounts his cycling trip which took him from Sicily to Somerset, and a farewell to Horsington's recently retired rector, Peter Hallet.
Cheese made in Horsington celebrated at the Great British Cheese Awards

Feltham’s Farm, makers of Renegade Monk cheese, was recently awarded Runner-Up in the Best Soft Cheese category at the Great British Cheese Awards in London, and Gold at the Global Cheese Awards in Frome!
A Wincanton cake artist will be on Channel 4 on Monday

Wincanton resident Helen Hermanstein Smith, owner of ImageCakes, will be decorating a Christmas cake on Channel 4’s Kirstie’s Homemade Christmas, on Monday 11th December.
Showing 401 - 420 of 2282 Articles