Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
How to kick cancer in Winky this week

This week is another busy one for Winky Kicks Cancer. Tonight there's Comedy Kicks Cancer at The Nog Inn, and on Saturday the sponsored walk with a twist starts from Uncle Tom's Cabin at noon.
Wincanton is becoming a dementia-friendly community

The Dementia-Friendly Wincanton campaign aims to make our community one in which people living with dementia feel understood, included and confidently able to contribute to community life.
Winky Sixes football tournament 2017

The annual Winky Sixes football tournament took place over the weekend of Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th June. Youth football teams from under 7s to under 15s from all over the Southwest gathered at Wincanton Sports Ground for the tournament.
Jess Glynn is live at Wincanton Racecourse this weekend

Jess Glynn will be performing a live, open-air concert at Wincanton Racecourse on Saturday 1st July. The Jockey Club has organised this huge event to celebrate Wincanton Racecourse's 150th anniversary.
Morrisons in Wincanton is now pumping fuel 24/7

Drivers can now buy fuel at Morrisons in Wincanton 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as part of a plan to upgrade its fuel services throughout the UK. The kiosk will still close at 11pm nightly, though.
Major water improvement works at Rick Hayes

Wessex Water is currently conducting major water improvement works in the Rick Hayes residential estate in Wincanton. Work began on 1st May 2017 and is scheduled to take up to 29 weeks to complete.
Beautiful stained glass window damaged in Parish Church burglary

The Parish Church of St Peter & St Paul in Wincanton was burgled some time during the night of Friday 16th and the morning of Saturday 17th June 2017. The forced entry caused damage to two of the stained glass windows.
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - July & August 2017

A family tells of their first experience of the Colour Run at Wincanton Racecourse this year, Horsington has its own cheese, called Renegade Monk made at Feltham's Farm, and a child from Horsington's School describes this year's Village Fete.
Ted Green of Wincanton

Our father Ted Green, who has died aged 87, made a huge contribution to Wincanton, his hometown, both through his long life working and living in the town, and as a wonderful local story teller.
Police appeal for witnesses to a serious collision in North Cheriton

Avon and Somerset Constabulary are appealing for witnesses to a serious collision near Wincanton. The two-vehicle crash took place at approximately 2:40pm on Tuesday 30th May on the A357 at North Cheriton.
Winky Kicks Cancer 2017 has begun!

The Winky Kicks Cancer 2017 season began on Friday 9th June with an evening of Bingo in the Memorial Hall, and culminates on 5th August with a music festival at the Hunters Lodge, with plenty in between to suit all ages and tastes.
Crestmoor has entered a team into the 2017 Red Bull Soapbox Race!

Local family-run company Crestmoor has successfully entered a team into the 2017 Red Bull Soapbox Race that takes place on Sunday 9th July. The team also has a chance to win the ‘People’s Choice Award’, but they need your vote!
Spectra Musica in North Cadbury on 1st July

‘Summer Nights’ is another eclectic selection of music being presented by Spectra Musica and Musical Director Peter Leech in St. Michael’s Church, North Cadbury on 1st July at 7.30pm.
Charlton Horethorne Feast Day returns Saturday 24th June

This summer, Charlton Horethorne will celebrate a Feast Day for the first time in many years. On Saturday 24th June the village will host a day of events and activities for the village community and visitors, raising funds for village societies and clubs.
Aurin Girls’ Choir concert in Bruton on 22nd June

Returning by popular request, tickets are now on sale for what promises to be a stunning evening of choral singing on Thursday June 22nd. The concert at St Mary’s Church, Bruton at 7.30pm is the first of Aurin choir’s 2017 tour.
Carrington House residents enjoy a visit from nature

There were smiles all around at Carrington House when an animal handling company paid the residents a visit. Activities staff at the Wincanton care home organised for ZooLab to bring their animals to meet everyone. A few residents were nervous to start with, but soon got involved.
Get your (Wincanton) bake on!

Wincanton is having its own Great Bake-Off this year and it’s for a good local cause, the Balsam Centre. The Great Wincanton Bake-Off is taking place at Divine Wines on Saturday 17th June. There will be prizes for both adults and children. Read on for more details about how to get involved!
Horsington & South Cheriton Villager Magazine - June 2017

John Vallins provides us with an update on The Horsington Provident and Friendly Society. Another story from Horsington's Primary School old days with Mary Watt's tell. Bob Jones relates an anecdote while a GP in Wincanton. Mediterranean birds seen in Somerset, from the series of articles on birds written by Keith Davies.
Sandbag – Wincanton RBL newsletter for May & June 2017

The May and June 2017 edition of Sandbag, Wincanton Branch’s monthly magazine for the Royal British Legion. This issue includes the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendale, Armed Forces Day 2017 and an upcoming quiz and fun night.
Brand new vet practice opening soon in Wincanton

By the end of 2017 Wincanton will have a new veterinary practice. The Shaftesbury based Longmead Veterinary Practice has decided to expand, aiming to have their new facility open for business some time in November.
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