Cale Wars - CATCH Strikes Back
The CATCH (Community Action to Transform the Cale Habitat) team will be litter-picking the River Cale for a second time, on Saturday 22nd June, 8am, starting from the Recreation Ground car park.
Back in January, CATCH planned an 'interactive walk' of the River Cale. It was postponed till February on account of bad weather, but in spite of continued rainy days it was decided it would be better to get out there and do something, than to sit waiting for a sunny spell with enough notice to get people out.
After a full survey of the river (watch the video!) by a representative of the Wild Trout Trust, a litter-pick of the Cale within Wincanton went ahead in February, and despite the constant drizzle about 35 heroic people turned up to help, including about 8 children. The river was running high, so we were unable to get in and pull rubbish out of the water.
Now that Summer is more or less apon us, it's been decided a repeat of the previous success is due. If the weather is kind and the river remains low we'll aim to get a bit wet and do a full clean-up of the river itself!
Saturday 22nd June is the day we've chosen for this litter-pick. We'll meet at the Recreation Ground car park (instead of Gillam's Car Spares), as close to 8am as possible.
Prior to the event commencing we will all complete the safety briefing as per requirements, and Luke Kozak will give a technical talk about rivers, and the wildlife in and around it (aimed at children, but for anyone else who wants to join in). The kids will be given an opportunity to look for some of the creatures during the morning, and answer a quiz for prizes.
This time we plan to split into two groups, and cover two different areas. If you intend to participate please email Matt Bishop at , so we can schedule things to suit numbers showing.
Himalayam Balsam is a pesky weed we'll be targeting during the morning, so we'll need as many people a possible taking part to be effective.
As usual, the day's work will likely be celebrated with a pint at the Nog Inn, for those of drinking age, and something else more appropriate for those who aren't!
Finally, CATCH will be interviewed for a second time by Radio Somerset, this time at 11:10am this Friday 21st June. Listen in and we'll make it as interesting as possible!
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Reply #1 on : Wed June 19, 2013, 13:23:32
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Reply #2 on : Tue June 25, 2013, 16:16:56
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