Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
Carymoor's Nightingale Project needs volunteers

The aim of our new Nightingale Project is to create more suitable habitat for the bird at Carymoor in the hope that they will become resident here. Our current volunteers have already made a start but there’s still plenty to do over the next two years.
Free Green Skills Hedgelaying Course at Carymoor

Join us at Carymoor Environmental Trust on 10th December for a free course, giving people a chance to learn the traditional rural skill of hedgelaying to maintain livestock-proof hedges and create a fantastic habitat for wildlife.
A Butterfly Summer: Monitoring Butterflies at Carymoor

Volunteer ‘Butterfly Transect Walker’ Julian Rawlins monitors butterfly numbers on the Carymoor nature reserve near Castle Cary. He reports on his 2014 results, revealing that it was a good summer for butterflies.
Bee Aware Workshop at Carymoor Environmental Centre

Join TV's Brigit Strawbridge at Carymoor Environmental Centre on Sunday 28th April for a one-day workshop on the fascinating subject of bees.
A Microscopical World Fires Children's Interest at Carymoor

My children aren't what you'd call keen to engage in educational pursuits during school holidays, but this first in a series of three microscopical peeks at nature at Carymoor Environmental Centre got them excited!
School Holiday Fun with Wild Wednesdays at Carymoor

It can be difficult to keep your children busy during the summer holidays, especially with the weather we're having at the moment! Why not bring them to Carymoor Environmental Centre on our 'Wild Wednesdays'?
A Unique Opportunity to Explore Carymoor Nature Reserve

Carymoor is offering local people a unique opportunity to explore the Carymoor Nature Reserve on Saturday 5th May. Explore the nature reserve by following nature trails through the wildlife habitats that have been created on this restored landfill site.
Easter Fun at Carymoor Environmental Centre

Hop along to Carymoor with your children during the Easter holidays for some eggciting family activities, then enjoy some light refreshments, including mini bird's nest eggs for the children, on sale in our education centre.
FREE* Green Skills Workshops at Carymoor in February & March

Come and learn how to lay a hedge, construct a path or weave a willow screen in the beautiful surroundings of Carymoor Environmental Centre near Castle Cary. Includes delicious home-made soup and cake!
Feathery February! Half-Term Fun at Carymoor Environmental Centre

Visit Carymoor Environmental Centre this half-term for some Feathery February Fun! Carymoor will be celebrating National Nest Box Week with family activities inspired by our feathered friends!
Crafty Christmas Fun at Carymoor Environmental Centre

Bring the whole family to Carymoor Environmental Centre, Castle Cary on Saturday 10th December between 2.00pm and 4.00pm for some Crafty Christmas Fun!
Live 'n' Deadly - Half Term Fun at Carymoor

Become a deadly detective during October half term and solve a wildlife crime at Carymoor Environmental Centre! Explore our nature reserve to find clues and deduce who's eaten who.
Daubing Day at Carymoor

Carymoor's exciting new classroom - a replica iron-age round-house - will be daubed with a mixture of mud and straw. Take part in our Daubing Day on Saturday 2nd July. Get messy and try your hand at daubing - a fun activity for all the family.
FREE "Go Global" Workshop - Tuesday 10th May

On Tuesday Carymoor is hosting a free 'Go Global' workshop that includes a free buffet lunch! Spaces are still available but booking is required. This informal, informative and fun day at Carymoor will look at how our actions impact on others around the world and what lessons we can learn from other more resourceful cultures.
Looking Forward to Spring Butterflies

Jules introduces us to a few of his favourite springtime invertebrate friends and tells us about their habits and personalities as they wake from their winter slumber.
Wacky Caterpillars at Carymoor

Caterpillars come in the most wacky guises, unlikely shapes and colours. Here we see some of the odder-looking varieties you might find in your back garden.
Free Willow Sculpture Workshop at Carymoor Saturday 27th Nov.

A great chance to try something new - Willow Sculpture! Don't miss this chance for a great experience and a good day out at Carymoor near Castle Cary.
A Visit to Carymoor Environment Centre

Sarah Darlington and eight-year-old niece Giulia hunt for Carymoor's mammals on a 'Wild Wednesday' in August.
Brilliant Butterfly Images from Carymoor

Jules Cross, Environment Officer, naturalist and rather brilliant wild life photographer shares with us four of his images and reports on the state of butterflies as he has examined them at Carymoor.
Pink Grasshoppers at Carymoor Environment Centre - and Other Beauties

You've heard about white elephants and red herrings, how about pink grasshoppers? Unusual sightings at Carymoor; a pink grasshopper and a fly pretending to be a hornet.
Showing 1 - 20 of 20 Articles