Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar
C.A.T.C.H. River & Wildlife Day

With World Rivers Day approaching at the end of September, C.A.T.C.H. is excited to announce that it will be hosting a free River & Wildlife Day at Cale Park on Sunday 22nd September. Come and learn about the wildlife of our very own River Cale.
Huge volunteer turnout for C.A.T.C.H.'s litter pick last weekend

On Sunday 27th January 2019, C.A.T.C.H. held a public litter pick along the River Cale in Wincanton, its first of the new year. Over 30 people turned up, the group's largest haul ever!
Just Dance just raised £300 for C.A.T.C.H!

Turns out they do other stuff, too. Local dance studio Just Dance recently raised £300 for C.A.T.C.H.; the proceeds from a raffle at their show at King Arthur's School in May.
Vote for C.A.T.C.H. to get funding from Aviva

C.A.T.C.H. has been nominated as a potential recipient of funding from the Aviva Community Fund, but the amount of money they could win depends entirely on the number of votes they receive. Here's how to support the group!
BBC Somerset radio broadcast from Cale Park last Sunday

Last Sunday, 30th April, the BBC Somerset radio programme Clueless with Richard Lewis featured Cale Park, broadcast in part from the old bridge near the car park. Wincanton Town Clerk and members of C.A.T.C.H. were interviewed about the new play park and the work the team does to help the river.
Support C.A.T.C.H. at their jumble sale this Saturday

The river people are holding a jumble sale this Saturday, 29th April, to raise money to fund the work they're doing to improve the River Cale. Their previous sales have been so successful that for the second year running it'll be held in Wincanton Memorial Hall, the only venue with enough room for all the stuff and things.
It’s Time For a C.A.T.C.H. Jumble Sale

C.A.T.C.H. will be holding its annual jumble sale this week, on Saturday 5th March, this time in the Memorial Hall, 11.00am till 2.00pm. There’s still time to donate good quality items you’d like rid of, in support of a local, noble cause.
Join C.A.T.C.H. for a Christmas Litter Pick on Sunday 20th

What better way to celebrate Christmas this year than to pick other people's grimey rubbish out of a cold, wet river? And to top it off, it's totally FREE.
C.A.T.C.H. Action Day on Sunday 19th July – Balsam Bashing

The C.A.T.C.H. team have organised a public action day for this Sunday, 19th July, for the specific purpose of pulling up Himalayan Balsam, an invasive, non-native plant species that takes over the river bank and damages the ecosystem.
The Sowing of Cale Park’s Memorial Meadow VIDEO

On Saturday 25th April 2015 volunteers, including members of C.A.T.C.H. working with the Recreation Ground Working Group as well as other members of the public, worked tirelessly to prepare the soil and sow the seed for a new wild flower meadow near the play area.
C.A.T.C.H. Open the Weir Near Hawkers Bridge VIDEO

On Sunday 19th April 2015, the C.A.T.C.H. team removed a sluice gate in the Hawkers Bridge weir, Wincanton. There are two weirs bookending the Wincanton stretch of the River Cale, preventing fish passing back up through them to reach up-stream.
Come and Support the Planting of Memorial Meadow UPDATED

Join the C.A.T.C.H. team and other local organisations on Saturday 25th April to watch (and maybe help!) as a new Memorial Meadow is planted with wild flowers and poppies in what was once overgrown land at Cale Park.
Springwatch's Chris Sperring Will Talk in Wincanton on 13th March

Chris Sperring, a professional wildlife conservationist most recognisable these days by his involvement with the BBC's Springwatch, will be in Wincanton on 13th March to give a talk on wildlife conservation in this area. Tickets only £3!
C.A.T.C.H. Litter Pick Along the River Cale – Sunday 1st March 2015

Community action group C.A.T.C.H. will be carrying out their next litter pick along the River Cale on Sunday 1st March 2015. As always, the group would like to invite any willing volunteers to join them on the day from 9.00am.
The Next C.A.T.C.H. Jumble Sale is on 8th Feb

C.A.T.C.H. aims to repeat the success of its jumble sale held in the Balsam Centre on the same date last year. To help raise money for the work the team does to clean and protect the river Cale, donate your non-electrical stuff! 11am - 2pm, 30p entry, under 12s free.
EA Releases Fish into the Cale Due to C.A.T.C.H. VIDEO

The Environment Agency has seen fit to release a significant stock of bred fish into the River Cale in Wincanton, as a direct result of, and credit to the work C.A.T.C.H. has been doing to clean up the river and improve its status as a bio-diverse habitat.
Sowing the Seeds for a Wild Flower Meadow in Cale Park

The CATCH team is eager to move forward and create a wild flower meadow as part of the Town Council’s Cale Park project. Ground preparation work must now get going to make sure the land is ready for sowing next year.
C.A.T.C.H. Action Day 6th July - Report VIDEO

On Sunday 6th July 2014, C.A.T.C.H. held its first river clean-up of the year, inviting everybody to join in and help clear rubbish out of the Cale. Read on to find out how it went, what was achieved, and to watch the video!
CA.T.C.H. Action Day Sunday 6th July 2014

The C.A.T.C.H. group carries out work to look after the local river and its immediate environment. The group are holding a litter-pick event on Sunday 6th July 2014 from 9am, and are appealing for volunteers to turn up on the day to help.
Mayfly in the Classroom - 2014 VIDEO

C.A.T.C.H. has begun its 2014 endeavours with a fabulous activity for the kids. With help from the Wild Trout Trust, a sizable group of Horsington Primary School children were taken down to the River Cale to collect unhatched Mayfly eggs to be taken back to their classroom, hatched and returned to the river days later.
Showing 1 - 20 of 28 Articles