It’s Time For a C.A.T.C.H. Jumble Sale
C.A.T.C.H. (the Wincanton river wombles) are holding their next annual fundraising jumble sale this Saturday, 5th March from 11.00am till 2.00pm. The first two sales were held in the Balsam Centre, but due to overwhelming support from both donors and buyers it has become necessary to shift the jollies over to the Wincanton Memorial Hall for the extra space.
The team welcomes everyone to come for a cuppa and a browse of all the bargains. But while it goes without saying that the group would appreciate your support at the sale, remember there’s still time to have a bit of a clear-out and donate good quality items you no longer want or need. You can clear out some stuff, someone else can grab a bargain, C.A.T.C.H. makes a little profit and the future of the river gets a little brighter.
If you’ve got anything non-electrical you want to donate to the sale please contact C.A.T.C.H. on 07597 127187, on Facebook (RiverCaleCleanUpCatch) or on their website at
Unfortunately electrical items require proper testing before they can be passed along. As the group isn’t in a position to be able to turn them around safely they must be excluded from the sale.
Money raised at the sale goes into the kitty, to be spent wisely in support of everything the group does to improve the health of the River Cale where it runs through Wincanton, and hopefully beyond. In addition to boring things like insurance, critical to enabling the group to involve locals, including children, in the clean-up events they run all year round, the money will also be used to buy and renew equipment including litter pickers, high-vis jackets, boots, waders, various kits and tools, and occasionally the involvement of professionals.
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Reply #1 on : Sat March 05, 2016, 20:59:51
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