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Sandbag - Wincanton RBL Newsletter July 2013

Thursday 15 August 2013, 16:54
By Arthur Pickup

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Mayor Deryck Lemon with the Navy joining the fun

Armed Forces Day 2013

This year our branch decided to bring public awareness to Armed Forces Day with a family orientated event which was meant to be enjoyed by all ages. We certainly were fortunate with the weather, which turned out to be one of the nicest days so far this year.

The Millers Arms was chosen as a location not only because we have a very close relationship with the licensee Dave Winscombe, but also because it was known to be popular with families and younger people.

The Commando Helicopter Force, from RNAS Yeovilton put on a display run by Warrant Officer Derek Scott and Petty Officer Christopher Herrity and many youngsters were able to try on commando kit, including body armour, pilots' helmets and other interesting items.

The Mayor Cllr. Deryck Lemon with the Navy joining the fun

The event was not meant to be just a fund raising exercise but to celebrate our Armed Forces and bring public awareness to the day. However we did raise over £400 for Poppy Appeal which now brings our branch total to £11,928 and with Gift Aid yet to come in we will make a total of about £12,500.

We will definitely be holding a similar event next year and many thanks to all those who helped and the stallholders for their donations.

Old Faithful Day 2013

Ever since that day in 1944 townspeople of Wincanton remember the crew and their sacrifice with the greatest of respect and gratitude.

On that day, 25th June 69 years ago, the pilot banked his American Flying Fortress "Old Faithful" to swerve away from crashing on the town of Wincanton.

The aircraft was in a very fragile state and barely flying in one piece, having been peppered with shrapnel from the enemy flak while on a bombing mission to Toulouse in the south of France. Swerving away caused an explosion and Old Faithful blew up. The wreckage came down mainly upon Snag Farm, Stoke Trister. The crash scene was one of total devastation and all the crew were instantly killed.

A memorial was erected to the brave American flyers on Bayford Hill overlooking Snag Farm. Each year since then on the anniversary their sacrifice is remembered by our branch and this year the younger generation of Wincanton, students of King Arthur's Community School, continued that tradition and took part in the commemoration, along with members of Wincanton Royal British Legion.

A service led by the Rev Canon Alan Watson took place at the memorial on Bayford Hill and wreaths were placed by the students and the Royal British Legion. I sincerely thanked the young people for attending hope that they will continue to observe this day and remember for generations to come the sacrifices made on our behalf.

A very thoughtful and poignant touch was suggested by Canon Watson to ask Michael Watts to supply parts of the wrecked airplane to use as a tangible focal point, which was very effective.

Ron Peet and Canon Alan Watson

Ron Peet and Ray Whitehead carried the Union Flag and the American flag at the ceremony.

Next year being the 70th anniversary it is hoped to have a major commemoration as the crash is still within living memory of many in Wincanton. I have already approached the new mayor Cllr. Deryck Lemon who has expressed his support and keenness to make it a success.

Next branch meeting 19th August 7.00pm at the Wincanton Memorial Hall

Editor Tony Goddard

Secretary Arthur Pickup


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