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Sandbag - Wincanton Royal British Legion Newsletter

Thursday 1 January 1970, 01:00
By Tony Goddard


Our sister organisation Wincanton Supports the Troops was active just before Christmas when representatives went to RNAS Yeovilton with their latest gesture. There will be smiles all round when the Sailors and Marines from the Commando Helicopter Force received 29 sumptuous Christmas cakes from local baker, Declan Farrell and a cheque for £1000 from the people of Wincanton and the surrounding district.

Rita Jee, President of the Wincanton Branch of the Support Our Troops Organisation and her committee are no stranger to CHF, having previously donated boxes of sweets etc., to personnel deployed. After the presentation Rita, praised the work the men and women of the CHF are undertaking adding, "We are so proud of these brave men and women who regularly put their lives on the line for us. The money raised will no doubt help lift the morale of those out in Afghanistan".

Declan Farrell and his son Mattias also presented a large tray of fruitcakes to a salivating audience of CHF personnel, commenting "It is a great honour for my family to show our support to the Service men and women who are serving our country with such distinction. It must be extremely difficult being separated from their loved ones so my wife and I thought it would be a nice gesture to present the cakes to show we are all thinking of them over the Christmas period".

Elements of 845 and 846 Squadrons have been deployed in Afghanistan for 2 years, where they carry out vital and demanding tasks such as over flying and protecting ground convoys and moving troops around the front line. Commander Niall Griffin, Commanding Officer 846 Squadron, accepted the gifts on behalf of the CHF, and said, "We are truly grateful and overwhelmed by the ongoing generosity of the citizens of Wincanton. The money will provide all the extras that make the lives of those deployed much more comfortable, especially during Christmas".

Much of the money raised by Support the Troops was from the sale of books by our member Brian Sweet. Brian regularly stands on the corner of Carrington Way most Fridays selling second hand books , other major contributors were Karen Dunford and Nell Shepherd who both raised over £200 each from separate Bingos. As we all know the entire committee of "Support Our Troops" are Wincanton Legion members who formed the initiative so as not to compromise the Legion's strict charity rules.

Last month I promised to find out more about our truly remarkable member Lt. Col. Ian Field MC. His close friend, one of our Vice Presidents, Fenton Rutter attended Ian's memorial service and kindly compiled this story.

Rupert Ian Feild M.C. 1927-2009

It was with sadness that we learned of the death of our member Ian Feild. He was born on Trafalgar Day 1927 and had a happy and fulfilled life. Five generations of his mother's family served as soldiers and from an early age he made it his ambition to follow his forbears in to the army.

He was commissioned into the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, the first regular officer since the war. In 1953 Ian was posted to a staff appointment in HQ East Africa. With no details of his work one might assume that he sat in some pleasant office, a fan gently revolving overhead waiting to cross over to the mess for a protracted lunch. The fact was however, that he was engaged in intelligence work of the most dangerous sort which was to win him a Military Cross.

The following is his citation:

"Beginning with nothing in August 1953, Captain Feild has built up an intelligence organisation second to non in Kenya. He has achieved this by his imagination, organising ability, and untiring energy. He has worked for long periods both day and night. Through the information obtained by his organisation and by his willingness to spend long hours on patrol, he has been largely responsible for the breaking up of the Mau Mau gangs around Fort Hall.

In March 1955, this officer led a mixed European and African police patrol deep into the Mount Kenya forest. The patrol, including Captain Field, were disguised as Mau Mau gangsters to the last detail. Superbly led by Captain Field, thanks to his excellent disguise, the patrol succeeded in entering the Mau Mau camp without detection although the sentries were full view some 40 yards away. A meeting was being held within the camp and the European part of the patrol was able to advance within 10 yards of the meeting before opening fire, killing three Mau Mau and severely wounding six others as well as capturing a quantity of arms, ammunition and documents.

The hazards of an Operation of this kind in broad daylight are obviously immense and success depended largely upon iron nerve, courage and coolness of the leader. The slightest mistake by his small force would have meant instant death for all concerned.

The above is only one example of many hazardous Operations involving impersonation, which Captain Field has carried out in the past. His example and high sense of duty combined with cool courage both day and night have been an inspiration to security forces and are truly remarkable for an officer of his years".

It has been wondered how Ian, with his red hair, pale skin and blue eyes, managed to pass himself off as a Mau Mau man.

On his return from Africa Ian was posted as an instructor to Sandhurst and later carried out most of the planning relating to the amalgamation of the Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry and the Somerset Light Infantry. He was proud of the DCLI and later the Somerset & Cornwall Light Infantry . He commanded a company of the SCLI in Berlin, the UK and Aden. His last appointment was as Commander Salisbury Plain Training Area.

On retirement Ian returned to his old home at Pen Selwood where he threw himself into local affairs. He possessed an innate quality of quiet courtesy. His integrity was absolute. He was a courageous, proud yet brave soldier. He was loyal friend to many and lived respected and died regretted.

Fenton Rutter

It would appear that Ian Field achieved his disguise which enabled him to enter the Mau Mau camp by wearing a wig, darkening his skin and putting in eye drops which made his eyes change colour.
He was Adjutant with the 1st Battalion DCLI in Osnabruck in 1958 and being a keen horseman was appointed Parade Adjutant for the Queen's Birthday Parade in Berlin. He also commanded a Company of the SCLI Aden in 1966. Tony.

Three generations of military service

One of our new Vice Presidents Laurie Carr was proud to witness his grandson Christopher receive the coveted "Green Beret" of the Royal Marine Commando at a ceremony in Plymouth on 11th December.
In the picture below Laurie is shown with his grandson and son Lindsay who was also a commando in the Royal Marines and saw active service with them during the liberation of the Falkland Islands in 1983. Laurie had the unusual distinction of serving both in the Army and the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. He was a mechanic servicing Spitfire aircraft when he heard that the Army was short of tank crews after the Normandy Landings. He then transferred to the Royal Tank Regiment and saw service in India.

HMS Glowworm

I am sure members remember the story of HMS Glowworm which rammed the German battleship Hipper in the North Sea during the Norway Campaign in April 1940. The Yeoman of Signals onboard HMS Glowworm during the epic action was Harry Atkins from Church Street Wincanton.

Fate played a big part in the story because HMS Glowworm had a man overboard whilst amongst the destroyers escorting the battleship HMS Repulse, forcing the ship to detached from the fleet. In doing so she later found herself facing the Hipper completely alone and in an act of ultimate bravery rammed the German battleship. By a remarkable coincidence the wife of our RBL County Ceremonial Parade Officer, Bob Curry, is Marilyn the niece of the "man overboard" - Harold Gillo and as you see below placed a wreath & cross at the Portsmouth Memorial for both sailors.

Ideas for activities in 2010

Having recently joined the Regimental Association of the Duke of Edinburgh Royal Regiment of Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire I regularly get newsletters from The Rifles who have now taken over their lineage. I have approached their regional office with the view of taking up the offer of visiting The Rifles at Chepstow. Members will remember we did have an invitation to visit them but they could not honour this as they went directly onto active service in Afghanistan. I will pursue this in 2010 with the hope that we can in fact visit them.

I have also spoken with Yeovil branch and a member of their branch who owns a coach company has indicated that he would be willing to set up a trip to Arnhem in 2010. I believe it would be a good time to go when the Dutch bulb fields are in bloom so watch this space for further information.

I am keen to continue with our successful trips and have earmarked Plymouth as a summer trip and a visit to the Army Air Corps Museum at Middle Wallop. In an effort to be of general interest, I will also organise "non military" trips in the summer.
Deputy Standard Bearer

At our December meeting Sid Bundy mentioned that he cannot always attend Standard Bearer events and thought it a good idea that we appoint a Deputy.

Standard Bearer. I did ask for volunteers and I am very pleased to say that Martin Holmes has agreed to be deputy. Martin served in both the Royal Navy and the Territorial Army and I am sure he will be an excellent deputy to Sid.

New Legion initiative

For those who know of (or indeed ARE) serving members of H.M. Armed Forces there is an excellent new initiative of the RBL aimed at the children of serving military personnel. The scheme which is called Poppy Adventure Breaks 2010 and is available for qualifying children to attend adventure camps at Westinburt, Glos. and Brandsonston Hall Suffolk.

during Easter and summer 2010. If you do know of anyone interested please contact me, Rita Jee or Joanne Sweeting. You can also contact RBL County of Somerset on telephone number 01278-446711.

Poppy Appeal 2009

Paul tells me that we have had another excellent year,already our total stands at £11842.45 and this does not include Gift Aid which last year was around £500. We also have a few outstanding payments for wreaths etc., so we are well on track to exceed our excellent total of last year. Thanks to all our collectors for your time and effort and also thanks to Paul for coordinating another successful appeal.
Festival of Remembrance 2010

I was very sorry to cancel our planned trip to the Festival of Remembrance 2009 but with the numbers of people wishing to go it was not enough to make the coach price viable. Continuing with our very close relationship with Yeovil branch and my having been elected to Chairman of South Somerset Group RBL I intend to advertise it amongst branches in the South Somerset area that we intend to go to the afternoon performance of the Festival of Remembrance 2010. Yeovil have indicated they are very Interested so I am more confident that we will go in 2010.

January branch meeting cancelled!

Next meeting 15th February

At our branch meeting in December we decided that there was no purpose in holding a meeting in January with little to discuss and the weather likely to be bad we have cancelled the January meeting.

Les Moxon

I am sorry to have to report that Les Moxon has passed away. Les was a member for many years although recently he was unable to take an active part due to ill health.
Coffee Mornings 2010

Saturday 6th March, Saturday 5th June, Saturday 7th August and Poppy Appeal 30th October.All are in the Sun Lounge of the Memorial Hall commencing 10 a.m.

Dates of the branch meetings were published in the last Sandbag - please note they are on the 3rd MONDAY of each month.


Safeguarding the welfare, interests and memory of those who have served in the Armed Forces.

A Registered Charity. Charity No. 219279


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