Wincanton's focused community website, providing news and information including a full calendar

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Wincanton Museum Opens at Wincanton Library

Tue 9 Apr 2013
By Steve Lee / John Baxter
Wincanton Museum Opens at Wincanton Library

On Saturday 30th March 2013 Wincanton Museum re-opened at the Towns Library and was officially opened by local MP David Heath. Luckily, Wincanton Window had two people in attendance who were happy to record the event.

Join in the Balsam Bustle at its Community Fun Day

Mon 8 Apr 2013
By Annette Yoosefinejad
Join in the Balsam Bustle at its Community Fun Day

The Balsam Centre's Community Fun Day takes place on Sunday 28th April, with lots of activities and a photographic competition too. A raffle, games for children and adults, plenty to eat and drink and "Dog with the Waggiest Tail" competition!

New Courses and Activities at the Balsam Centre

Thu 4 Apr 2013
By Annette Yoosefinejad
New Courses and Activities at the Balsam Centre

A variety of new courses and activities are either about to start or have recently begun at the Balsam Centre, designed to get you out and about this Spring, to learn something new or meet new friends.

Another Chance to Learn to Meditate at the Balsam Centre

Thu 28 Feb 2013
By Bhadra
Another Chance to Learn to Meditate at the Balsam Centre

Did you know meditation can bring clarity and peace to support you to meet the stresses of daily life? Meditation is now taught at the Balsam Centre. If you missed the first course here is another opportunity beginning 4th March.

Have you Ever Heard of Fives?

Tue 19 Feb 2013
By John Baxter
Have you Ever Heard of Fives?

If that leaves you baffled you are not alone, but local Historian Roger Ford will tell you all about it on Friday 22nd February in an illustrated talk to the Wincanton Museum and History Society.

Be Sober, Be Vigilant! Mounted Police in Victorian London

Fri 18 Jan 2013
By John Baxter
Be Sober, Be Vigilant! Mounted Police in Victorian London

The Mounted Police in Victorian London is the subject of an interesting talk to the Wincanton and District Museum and History Society on Friday 25th January in the Balsam Centre. All are welcome!

New Meditation Course at the Balsam Centre

Thu 3 Jan 2013
By Bhadra
New Meditation Course at the Balsam Centre

Meditation is a very practical way of working with stress and its causes. It is also great for releasing energy and generating calm. You do not need any previous experience. Health warning: beware, this could positively change your life!

An Illustrated History - Somerset and Dorset Railway

Wed 28 Nov 2012
By John Baxter
An Illustrated History - Somerset and Dorset Railway

Organised by Wincanton Museum and History Society, local historian and railway enthusiast Peter Lewis gives an illustrated talk on the much loved Somerset and Dorset Railway at the Balsam Centre on Friday 30th November.

Dorset High Tops Button Workshop at the Balsam Centre

Thu 15 Nov 2012
By Lynn Ward
Dorset High Tops Button Workshop at the Balsam Centre

Try your hand at making High Top Buttons at this workshop, taking place at The Balsam Centre on Friday 30 November 2012.

Wincanton Library Summer All-Age Reading Challenges

Sat 21 Jul 2012
By Shirley Hoar
Wincanton Library Summer All-Age Reading Challenges

Looking for something to do during the Summer holidays? There's StoryLab for younger ones and the Reading Passport, too. Write a book review to be entered into a Prize Draw and win a suitcase full of books!

History and Museum Society Talk on Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

Fri 13 Jul 2012
By John Baxter
History and Museum Society Talk on Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee

On Friday 20th July in the Balsam Centre a retired soldier and member of the Queen's bodyguard will be giving us an illustrated talk on the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria.

The Sun Shines on Museum Party to Thank Jeff Kingaby

Fri 6 Jul 2012
By John Baxter
The Sun Shines on Museum Party to Thank Jeff Kingaby

Museum and History Society members, together with councillors and other supporters, met for a garden party cream tea to thank museum secretary Jeff Kingaby on his retirement.

Taunton Thespians Bring Sir Terry Pratchett's Play to Wincanton

Mon 11 Jun 2012
By Ron Roberts
Taunton Thespians Bring Sir Terry Pratchett's Play to Wincanton

Taunton Thespians proudly announce that their 2012 Summer Tour brings 'Lords and Ladies', by Sir Terry Pratchett, to the Balsam Centre on Saturday 16th June.

Frank's Historic Wincanton Walk Attracts Forty

Fri 8 Jun 2012
By John Baxter
Frank's Historic Wincanton Walk Attracts Forty

Frank Foster’s guided walk around Wincanton on Friday 25th May attracted a record crowd, fascinated by our fascinating local history. Did you know there used to be 52 pubs in the town?

A Walk Around Historic Wincanton

Fri 18 May 2012
By John Baxter
A Walk Around Historic Wincanton

On Friday 25th May Frank Foster will be leading one of his famous walks around Wincanton. Discover Wincanton's quirky and fascinating history for yourself, starting at 7.30pm at the Balsam Centre.

The Fabulous Mosaics of Ravenna - A Talk by Hendrika Foster

Tue 24 Apr 2012
By John Baxter
The Fabulous Mosaics of Ravenna - A Talk by Hendrika Foster

Art Historian Hendrika Foster has chosen for her illustrated talk on Friday 27th April the fascinating story of the mosaics of Ravenna. This Italian city was the scene of the fading of the Roman Empire.

Local History Project Requires Old Wincanton Photos or Postcards

Fri 20 Apr 2012
By Andrew Eldred-Tyler
Local History Project Requires Old Wincanton Photos or Postcards

My name is Andrew Eldred-Tyler and I am a local historian researching Wincanton's history - I would like to hear from anyone who has any old photographs and postcards of Old Wincanton (pre-1962) that I may borrow and scan.

Museum Talk - The Wincanton Window: A Contemporary Archive

Fri 23 Mar 2012
By John Baxter
Museum Talk - The Wincanton Window: A Contemporary Archive

At the next Museum and History Society meeting on Friday 30th March I'll be talking about how the Wincanton Window got started. See a slideshow of some of our enormous collection of pictures and be reminded of our recent history.

Wincanton Museum is to be Reborn

Tue 21 Feb 2012
By Jim Longley
Wincanton Museum is to be Reborn

Having been homeless since 2010, a brighter future is now within reach for Wincanton Museum following collaborative talks with SCC Libraries Department and Wincanton Town Council. Just one hurdle remains - can you help?

Father Louis Gives Church History Talk at The Balsam Centre

Fri 6 Jan 2012
By John Baxter
Father Louis Gives Church History Talk at The Balsam Centre

Wincanton's Museum and History Society start their year on Friday 13th January at the Balsam Centre with a brief AGM, followed by refreshments and a talk by Father Louis Beasley-Suffolk about the History of the Catholic Church here.

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